Mfw I start to realize globohomo might not be that bad after all

>mfw I start to realize globohomo might not be that bad after all

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Kys furfaggot

Then you're becoming part of the problem & less of the solution.

right wingism is just a reactionary movement, it cannot exist without left liberalism
Vice versa is not true however, leftism thrives even on its own. Just look at the media, liberalism has ruled tv for decades now and no one misses right wing retards on tv

They broke you.

Glowniggers have the worst of baits holy fuck

It was real in your mind

What's wrong with being broken? What real difference does it make if you resist or not? The outcome is still the same. Society is still the same.

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BURN kike shills

only because you let it be the same, user.

Shut up kiketard, enough bullshit for a single day.
Get out.

Go get your boosters then.

You let it be the same too.

At least I'm safe inside my mind.

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wtf I love the Ukraine now!!!!!

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You thought it was the gays running everything?

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I don't know about globohomo but I worship the NYC Jews, Wall Street, Shekel, Power and Putin.

bros we really need some whitepills soon. if you were in my discord call rn...............

I don't have the power to "let" things happen. Only rich and connected people have that power and If I were one of them why wouldn't I be content to let things remain the same? I would be a beneficiary of liberal society.

Globohomo allows you to voluntarily destroy yourself vs being told to as in places like Russia China Iran North Korea

Your face is a lizard when you start supporting baby killing Jews? Sounds about right.

The cold truth is that the cabal is right.
The problem is people. There being too many of them is just one aspect of it. What the real problem is, is that almost every single person on the planet is filled to the brim with bad information . Bad information about social values, bad information about the principles of money and commerce, bad information about the world around them and their relation to it, bad information about each other. Humans can be literal Gods with the right information, or monsters with the wrong kind. And we have a whole world of monsters.

The 'elites' are correct in that a cull is required before any sort of meaningful rebuilding can occur. We're only pissed about it because we are not in the club. If we were, we'd all be sitting up the back rows of Davos or Bilderberg or whatever with our opera glasses thinking "yes, someone has to manage all these peasants!". They are also correct that a soft cull now is preferable to a hard cull later. Just indirectly sterilise anyone stupid enough to sign up for it. Simple. Elegant. Seemless.

We all rage about this because we feel entitled to something but the truth is we are entitled to nothing. There is no such thing as human rights. It's a fairytale told to make us feel better. There is only one divine law of the cosmos: survive. That's it. We have no rights, we are not entitled to shit, we merely have to survive another day. Keep our children alive another day. That's the only thing that is real. Just because we've allowed modern society to lull us into a false sense of security, does not mean that the divine law of the cosmos is somehow no longer valid.

However much we don't like it, these monsters and parasites currently calling the shots are correct. Did they create the problem of a world of monstrous humans filled with bad information? Of course they did! But are they responsible for the choices each person makes, for the choices each parent makes when raising their children? Of course not! They may have created the scenario, but we did all the work. This is the truth. The cold hard light of day truth. How many of us can see it for what it is, I wonder?

i support such shilling, becuz it creates wonderful shechling points, take those who deserve to be taken

lol we all know what happens to your character OP

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