Why did you idiots take a bad deal(student debt)

The more important question should be why did these dumb fucks take such a bad deal to go to college? Did you think taking out such an enormous amount of credit would actually pan out in your favor? And these are suppose to be the bright ones? Your average college fag doesn’t know fuck all about finance. Lmao you retards can’t even business properly if you’re taking such shit deals? Lmao did you even peep the dollar strength index prior to taking the worst deal for college lmao such dumb fucks permeate this world. I agree with the masons you’re all expendable cattle to me and I don’t give a fuck if your left or right. You aren’t needed. I have no college debt because I looked at the deal and said yeah right fuck that. Get rekt you whiny faggots. Funny to see “right wingers” begging for daddy govement to forgive their fuck ups. I recently joined a Freemason lodge. I’m with them fuck you all

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I'm so happy my student debt is getting cancelled it makes me feel great

>daddy save me from my bad decisions

The higher level question is why are private loans that accrue interest to a group of "lenders" secured by tax payers funds?
Is there a demographic overlap between the money lenders, the admin at universities, and the people who lobby to the government to keep that debt secured by tax backed funds?

cope paypig

Usury is evil, /thread

Boomers decided they wanted low taxes during their peak working age and the agreement was lower taxes for boomers but higher interest rates for their children. We are paying for boomers that’s why

Then don’t take a usurious deal you dumb fucking retard nigger cattle. You literally took a predatory deal and then continue to complain? KYS NIGGER

Watching the Right sperg out over this has been the best thing that's happened politically since the Jan 6th tantrum

There’s no right wing when it comes to money everyone is a liberal faggot

Nope. In other systems, the debt is interest free, because the effective interest a student pays back to the system is by earning a higher income and paying more in taxes.
That's separate to any boomer complaints.
I think America is an exception in terms of student loans.

Kids are fucking stupid dude. You're blaming teenagers for being pressured by all the people they trust in their lives growing up to go to college no matter the costs or even if they aren't really sure what they want to study to make a big financial decision that will impact them years down the line with the assumption that they will get a decent paying job to pay it back which they were promised by all their trusted authority figures growing up. They were lied to by the system essentially.

Do you really expect some dickhead 17 year old know it all who thinks he has the world figured out because he got into Stanford to think about the possibility of when he graduates with that $70k+interest or whatever debt he'll get passed over at that dream $100k job at Google for Pajeet on an H1B1 from a fake diploma mill?

We’re not talking about your irrelevant shit hole. We’re talking about the greatest nation on earth the United States of America

Lmao so teeniggers don’t understand basic math and percentages? Schools these days churn out actual retards

>We’re talking about the greatest nation on earth the United States of America
lol, lmao even

Wasn't the 6th a tantrum of the left? They're the only ones who care about it.

>in other systems (ie almost all but yours)
Lol. America "was" the greatest. If they still are it's only because the tide of greatness has fallen for all our ships. It's still far less than what it was/could be. Same for us all

>turns key on corvette
>you got that right buddy old pal

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Your nation “was” Australia but now you’re just China

>Has no effective borders
>Pays bs amounts for meds and doctors
>No interest free student loans
>Hordes of niggers
>Circumcised at birth
>Font of degeneracy that has infected the entire world
And "American" now means essentially nothing. Yay, our first world country isn't as shitty as yours along dimensions a, b and c, but we're all losing!

Technically, they are more qualified than you on the matter.

If you can’t beat them then join them that’s why I applied at a lodge near me. The real redpill is that a secret society controls everything, and most people who are NPCs deserve their fate. Better to have no political affiliation and exploit all those who do. The same goes for religion. I could give two fucks about Australia, it’s Thailand tier

Here kid take this 100k loan when the dollar is collapsing. Trust me you can afford to pay $1000 a month as jobs are out sourced hahahaha what a DUNCE