If you understand this, you understand the world

If you understand this, you understand the world

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what am i supposed to understand besides they being 2 different races?

Wish I could find more info on this stuff it really does explain a lot

They're the same race, they differ in farming.

>nigger but Jewish looking
Explain yourself, op

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"jewish looking" aka intelligent

Nafri aren't black, correct


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They look like nigras to me

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the monkey on the right ate shrooms a million years ago, the monkey on the left didn't

There's a light on in somebodies attic

Which one is more prone to violence, the left?

Subsaharans vs nilotes

Paul Kagame did nothing wrong.

Yes, by far.

Both inferior

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The rwanda genocide is peak evidence that niggers can't exist without the help of whites. Niggers are always racist, and when they don't have whites to blame they pick out arbitrary ways to divide themselves so there is a bad guy they can blame for their misfortune. There are accounts of family members being on different sides of this war. Children turned on their parents, cousins, and uncles because of the size of their nose and shade of their skin. Don't fall for the argument that they are really different because they come from different tribes. Those tribes were made up. They all come from the same place and were interbreeding the whole time. It's a massive redpill if you let it be.

The ones in the left look more human than the ones in right?

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It was a class war, Tutsis worked with he colonialists to enrich themselves while Hutus stuck to their roots and suffered

>>The rwanda genocide is peak evidence that niggers can't exist without the help of whites.
But the Tutsi literally solved the problem themselves once they were let off the leash of white-guilt inspired international pressure and allowed to re-assert dominance over the hutu apes.

Is the nostalgia critic a tutsi?
