How can anyone watch a single Mr. Beast video and still be a capitalist?

How can anyone watch a single Mr. Beast video and still be a capitalist?

He cultivated this amazing public image as a philanthropist and a "good guy" but I hope you all can see through it.
This dude makes people do all kinds of degrading shit to win iPads and $10,000 which is basically just pocket change for him. And his "friend" group is a carefully curated selection of dependent manchildren and losers who make Mr. Beast look smarter and cooler by comparison.
Only in a degenerate capitalist clown world that values materialism can a creature like Mr. Beast slither into popularity.

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he makes videos that people like to watch

>Give someone a free car
>They now have to pay tax on it
Great job.

I don't understand how this guy ever became popular. What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

I thought socialists were past saying "YouTubers being rich is bad and the fault of capitalism" after Hasan

Anyone who makes reaction videos is a total fag. YouTube is for fags in general.

this dude is a money launderer I have no doubt in my mind.

Literally who


Holy fucking... quints...

didn’t he grow up with his friend group

based get

He went viral because he made a 17 hour video where he said "Logan Paul" 100,000 times in one sitting.

I hate capitalism too, but you have to admit that Humans are degenerates naturally. I don’t feel bad for them, because I 100% believe, you can have restrain and dignity to not do this shit.

compared to whatever niggertopia you people envisioned? I'd tiktok dance for a grand any day lol

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ok but mr beast doesn’t make reaction videos

His market demographic is children between the ages of 6-18. Every kid dreams about being rich and spending money on stupid shit or giving it away in some grandiose act of kindness that is met with universal praise. Mr. Beast just plays into that idea and markets his channel in such a way that promotes these ideas in a self sufficent way. It's become kinda cringe that he's always dead eyed and depressed looking when tying to hype up giving away $100,000 for the hundredth time this year. The whole gig is getting old.

Those jewtube numbers gotta be inflated. There can't be that many retards thirsty for the same video regurgitated over and over. Dabs with that sniperwolf slut, they're pushed by jewtube down everyone's throats

>Mr. (((Beast)))
His dad is a high-ranking freemason. One of the most punchable faggot faces I’ve ever seen. 99% chance he’s a pedophile and chomo.

Have you ever seen a toddler with an ipad? They'll watch like 100 videos a day plus all adverts. Some kid will be on his 50th toy review, cocomelon song or slime video by the afternoon.

>giving negroes $500K will solve all of the world's problems
he may be rich but he's still a retard. but a useful retard at that at least for the niggers.

who the fuck is Mr Beast?

Put me in the screencap

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He never became popular organically. He was shilled by the (((algorithm))) because he’s part of the deep state (((social programming))) project. Nobody actually likes him. He also does (prearranged) collabs with other youtubers to pretend he’s actually popular.

Yeah that shit scares me.
I dread to think what these kids will be like when they grow up

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He is literally named mr. beast. Check these trips

There’s not. Think about it. If you ask 100 Americans in New York who Mr. Beast is, you’ll get a few zoomers, a couple informed millennials and a couple parents. You mean to tell me 2% of the US population views his videos within 24 hours of upload? Don’t be stupid.

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People will want to see other people do silly shit under Communism too, Leon.

is there anything more insufferable than someone obliviously wearing sunglasses that don't fit their inbred khazar face?

I see your point but I think there is a endless legion of retards out there.

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he needs to shave his beard. it literally only grows underneath his chin.

This . I live in his city and I promise I’ll call him a nigger lover if I ever meet him

It's discouraging.

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Yeah he does, he even has a channel specifically dedicated to reaction videos called Beast Reacts

if you're so smart how come you're not rich?

jealous people should be dragged out and shot with the communists

and I dont even like or watch his videos regularly, I just hate hating losers

Very checked. The numbers don't lie.

YouTube stopped being cool as soon being a YouTuber became thing.
Shit like this dude are adolescent humor. You have to literally be a low IQ 12 year old to enjoy his shit.

Hands down he has one of the most punchable faces on the internet

Fookin checked

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I think he re-engineered the creation of Youtube, on Youtube.
The question is how long Youtube will let him, and how long the viewers will look for him.
Youtube got the platform, he's a show on that circuit. Longevity has no promise in show business.
All the boys will get too old for makeup and face-lifts to keep up the goofy "gosh this money is honestly alot and I'm so honored" face that sells the shows.
But again, props to him and his for raising up his peeps, and being excellent at something.

Someone always pays for it tho.

Normally I'd agree with hating on worthless Youtubers, but Mr. Beast put in the work. He basically dedicated his entire life to studying the process of going viral. He worked 16 hour a day for years purely studying youtube. Then he did insane videos like counting to 100K and other sleep deprivation challenges. He earned his spot unlike most of the other retards on that website.

>meanwhile, "socialist influencers" makes thousands out of streaming
Such a retarded fuckin thread

Honestly Youtube should just completely split its kid content front the rest of the platform, full stop. Force app users to sign in. If you watch five toy videos, BAM, kid-mode silent-switch. Get them off the backs of everyone else so we can finally have a video say "shit" without drowning in demonetization flags (and subsequent algorithm punishment).

Top five YouTubers all time

all of social media is
full stop

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He can't even wear glasses properly.

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It does border on what some call poverty porn. It's both honoring and dishonoring, and it is part of the confusion of an imbalance of goods, and of the innocence and ignorance of youth to the realities of the difficulties of producing good things.
The one who pays the most is the one who received the free thing.
It just never quite shows up as you might expect a payment.

Anyone got his nudes?

"Capitalism" is simply the free exchange of goods and services between people.
Socialist fags want the government (!!) to get in the middle of person to person transactions.
Of course the government then implements diversity quotas, race-based hiring and promotions....all those things we need, right?

>counting to 100k
>sleep deprivation
>studying youtube for 16 hours a day
And this is who you respect? The absolute fucking state of you zoomers

How can anyone look at all the socialist countries that ever existed and still be a leftist

This guy is an imposter f**** who will never be me and he's going to burn it f****** hell for all eternity when he f****** dies and that's a mother f****** fact