India FTW

Are you fags even trying??

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Other urls found in this thread:

>only 6500 in israel.
press X to doubt

good morning sandniggers

Thank you sirs

stop being so clingy

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Cannot describe how happy I am to see us in the top three.

they were all using VPNs and spoofing their locations.

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Please don't use homophobic language on the internet.

I really hate the jews and Israelis. Dunno why Pajeets are so obsessed with them


Attached: sikh crusader.jpg (580x511, 59.17K)

imagine trusting shillposts

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Attached: pakisfaggots.jpg (1496x1442, 428.49K)


I may have underestimated what people with too much free time are capable of lol

>US number 2
nice but still rookie numbers

less than us per capita you stinky poojeet faggot

Per capita Australia is beating you by 50%. Get on our level.

was the hate always there or is it just because of pakistan?

just a few hundred years of constant Muslim invasions

lmao england's color is literally just the pakis and indians living in england havign a civil war

Always there. Fucking Mlechhas