Only 10k student loan forgiveness

>only 10k student loan forgiveness
>doesn’t even touch the principle
Abolish ALL student loan debts

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That's how you break a thumb.

i don't understand. doesn't congress have to approve this? am i missing something?

>Abolish ALL student loan debts
Don't kill the golden goose. Just offer 10k during every election

anyone who actually got educated should be able to pay of their loans easily

You'd assume the type casted tough guy may have actually punched someone in rl. I think the age old meme that all actors are fags is true.


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which is why it's ok. the amount of money banks make on some of these student loans is 2-3x+ the principle of the loan itself.

You'll get another nibble on the carrot in 2024.

20k for pell fags like me

I hope you get tboned on the way to school or work op.


No. The loans are federally owned. Joe Biden is personally in charge of them. He could forgive everything. He chose $10k.

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Oh shit. If that goes through then I'm completely free only two years out from college.
Shame I can't ever get back those five years I could have spent doing literally anything else.
Captcha: PPGAT

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>Abolish ALL student loan debts
Nope, quintuple the interest and make all balances triple.

I think the bigger problem is that it doesn't give people 20k of their money back if they actually did pay their loans. Like wtf? Why do I feel like I'm taking crazy pills right now and no one else sees an issue with this.

Why cancel debt when we could give the money to isreal instead?

>doesn’t even touch the principle
it should never be touched
you borrowed 20k to learn how to play the bongo?
you're gonna pay 20k back, because it took 20k of people's time/effort to teach you that skill

all the interest should be cancelled and recalculated to match rate of inflation, it should not spiral out of control

It does feel crazy. If you have money it is time to buy fungible things with it. Any real estate you can get a hold of at any price. Cars, boats, gold coins don't matter. You shouldn't be holding onto more than 2 months of cash at any time for now on.

What pisses me off about that picture is tuco in BB punches completely correctly but in this scene he tucks his thumb in his fingers like a faggot. It's like the actor forgot how to make a fist between the ten year span between BB and whenever this scene was shot.

mfw I get $20K forgiven

mfw I only ow $21K

Cope. Biden is SURGING im the polls right now.

abolish applies to ending laws or constructs you dumb asshole not debts and finance. there's another word for that bit I'm not going to help you. obviously you learned jack shit and deserve nothing.

no wonder you useless stupid shits fail at life. you should starve to death in the streets

this money is going to nobody but the banks. it was just a last-ditch effort to pay cronies before this administration loses all credibility. if you understand what the campaign promises were, brandon probably said the quiet part loudly. they're pulling the copper out of the walls in washington now, and we're not going to be able to afford to fund the next years budget this winter. this is what happens when you let the amish flood into the capitol.

So biden could have done this at any time and just suddenly decided to do it right before midterms