What does the Bible teach us about student debt forgiveness?

I feel like it must have said something, but it’s just escaping me

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fortunately love does not factor in to the money lending business, so fucking pay up deadbeat

That debt is a jewish scam and that Biden is a good Catholic.

Seeth anabaptist swine, kys

easy solution
make the colleges pay it
they were paid for a product and didn't deliver
let them refund

Magic bead theory is an exclusively Jewish perspective of history.

>What does the Bible say about...
you really wanna do this op?

What does that have to do with anything?

that the amount is only a drop in the bucket for a community college certificate.

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Forgive our debts as much as we forgive those ones that people have with us

This is true of family but the US has long since lost any fraternal ties between citizens. It is a post-national consumer market with a few pockets of the founding population still around in the south.

Literally Our Father

>The prodigal son caused everyone to be poorer through inflation

That son went back home after paying his debts, his father just took him back in. Of course you don't know anything about that, you filthy Jew.

This is sound reasoning tbqh

Why do they insist on reading these Anti-Jew parables as literally about money?

I dont like usury, but I dont like the people with student loan debt either and even if they didnt deserve it and it was to be paid off I feel paying it off would have detrimental effects on society and the nationwide economy.

Both are still his sons.

Their debt wasn't forgiven though. Then-Senator Biden made that impossible back in 2005. Bankruptcy is Debt Forgiveness. This is Debt Transference from the prodigal son to the faithful son. The debt is still there, but someone else is paying it now.

I think it said something about the lender losing money during the Jubilee or something.
I wish this were true, but the jews are still going to get their money. Biden should have made it easier to default on the loans instead of just funneling money into jewish pockets.

I love this template. So you have the "we named ourselves the anti bad guys" one?

>confusing the government for your daddy
classic nig trait

Inflation is nearly 10% in official numbers. Now were giving Starbucks baristas 10k for reasons. This will absolutely make things way worse.

this but unironically

who can be a christian after hearing the parable of the prodigal son?

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many colleges would go bankrupt, big ones would be protected

Also he was totally broke. He wasted his inheritance partying. The story never says he got his money back.

The faithful sons had a totally understandable fear that the prodigal son would steal inheritance again and waste it again.
But it was the father's decision to do as he wanted.

consider giving a buck or 2 to this poor fuckin family that cant afford to cremate their kin in this communist shithole we used to call Canada.

ive seen literal dead niggers that deserved to die receive MILLIONS on that fuckin site.

That's the only solution. Colleges underwriting their loans to their students. No graduation? no job? No debt repayment.

still not a refutation of anything, just a pathetic ad hominem masquerading as an argument. and i mean ad hominem, you did nothing to attack the argument and shifted it entirely to attacking the person making it.

describe why jesus, the man who formulated the golden rule, wouldn't ask you to be compassionate. he told the parable of the prodigal son of his own free will, and it got written down as an important part of the faith. where in the fuck do you get the gall to dismiss criticism about it and still claim to be christian? it's in the fucking gospels.

Don't pretend like you read the Bible you filthy nigger

Yes. the other son was actually pissed over it. If you ever cracked open a bible you would know this.

Atheists and comprehending a single word of scripture, name a less iconic duo.

Poor people having 10k doesn't cause inflation, and baristas aren't getting 10k, the bank gets 10k.

The bank that doesn't need it gets 10k and the baristas student loan repayment goes from $400/mo to $380/mo.

>be moneylender
>lending involves risk
>offload risk to society
No. Banks shouldn't have given out these loans if they were bad investments and the government shouldn't be in the business of guaranteeing bad investments.

Fuck off and die you faggot beggar leaf. Throw the corpse in the Potter's field.

Christianity teaches to loan money with 0% interest

Needless to say Jews would never allow it

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youre not impressing anybody with that edge you tryhard refugee

>Printing another 300 bil to pay loans won't cause inflation.
Please dont talk to me you fucking midwit.

>We call ourselves the Debt Forgiveness Squad and we label our opponents as the other people who still have to pay our debt. It's so simple to understand. Everything we do is justified by our name.

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Jesus crushed the head of a snake under his heel.
Jesus whipped moneychangers and sacrifice sellers, threw their tables and chased them out of the temple.

>steal money from others to pay for it
Fuck you op u nigger

>compassion is the same as being a doormat

>captcha: YAR42

The same thing that the Bible teaches about any subject: Jews are people and goyim are their servants.

now you guys are all family huh? the bible is literal, but you can pick it apart to help your politics using random phrases you find in it, no problem. happens all the time.

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You're literally paraphrasing the meme right now. I don't have to attack a bad faith argument with meaningful logic. Others have pointed out why it, like all of the other le ebin gotcha memes, doesn't apply.

You don't abandon your family even if your family abandons you.