Please explain to me again why you like DeSantis. He treats the symptoms but not the (((disease)))

Please explain to me again why you like DeSantis. He treats the symptoms but not the (((disease))).

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I like politicians that are world travelers. He serves not just Florida.

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Who is voting for this clown?

>Florida would be better off with the gay meth nigger
>inb4 muh both sides
Yeah that's how elections work.


I don't but he's better than most.

>don't stereotype jews goy

>>inb4 muh both sides
yes literally both sides are fucked you nigger

Nice try, Shlomo. You know nobody can govern Florida or the US without kissing jew ass and now you're afraid he's found the loophole.

Both sides are kiked, Moshe.
It's what happens when you have jews openly and legally bribing politicians.
But one is less kiked than the other.

ron shekelstein, donald shekelberg, nancy goldberg

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Because, destantis actually acts. He doesn't just say things the right likes to hear (cough cough, orange man). He blocks vax mandates, fires AG's that don't do their job, passes laws to keep woke shit out of school. He's basically like trump except he actually gets shit done. Is he also a christian zionist and pro israel? Obviously, but you can't be right on every issue.

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Which one?

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So you are admitting Jews rule the American Empire?

And Trump is? We need another 4 years of twitter beefs and appointing snakes in your administration.

How could anyone deny it?

>He treats the symptoms

Hes actually just enforcing the noahide laws, you dumb goy.

Well I got to admit things look fairly sus.

Baby-cutters do not deserve mercy.
Baby-cutting ideologies must be identified and eradicated.

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I don't, he's a shameless whore for Israel and the rockefellers

Strong argument against elections. God save the king.

It's just how things are here. The funny thing is jews are still salty about Europeans from Roman times, when Jews were punished for not praising Caesar as a god. They accepted Roman rule, they just wouldn't pray to Caesar as a god.

Now we Americans, what can we do, we accept Jewish rule, but some of us just can't pray to their God.

Biden is so brain dead, he steals ideas from Trump of all people.

>Florida would be better off with the gay meth nigger
There would literally be no difference. Elections are theatre for the goyim. Florida under Le based DeSantis is still one of the biggest fag/trans hubs in the world, filled with homeless and nonn-whites. Number one in gun confiscation through red flag laws as well. It would be the exact same under Gillum.

Because he is a Spanish descent cryptojew marrano who’s father was a capitalist in mega jewed (((((cuba)))))

What other choice do have dumbass? You shills want to vote for Charlie Christ for the 3rd time????