One freed the slaves. The other freed the debt slaves

One freed the slaves. The other freed the debt slaves

Attached: Biden+and+Lincoln.jpg (599x320, 35.56K)

glowniggers gonna dome the big guy?

One was about to kick them back to Africa before he got shot, and the other just made my rent go up for retards who didn't think about the consequences of their actions.

>the worst most lawless president the union has ever known, and Abe Lincoln

Attached: alzheimericecrream.jpg (979x1280, 224.16K)

>"freed" debt slaves by increasing every American's debt

Debt relief isn't really liberation. It only lightens the chains without removing them enitrely.

Biden put an end to federal taxes?

If Biden is so great then why hasn't he exterminated the jews?

That's next

Loan consolidation firms won

All hail Dark Brandon

He didn't do shit against interest, so not even close. Lincoln was a terrorist as well.

Both stole the lives of white people to benefit niggers. You’re the nigger in this scenario, by the way.

>tax payers paid your debt
You're welcome you degenerate nigger.

>One freed the slaves
Yea, let's hope that works out.

Thief! that money belongs to Israel

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Of course, his death was planned from the beginning.

The president doesn't have constitutional authority to do this.

You poor monkeys running around so happy that you are "forgiven" walking around money for people of my class.

Its going to get shit on by the courts.

Screencap this.

i can't imagine giving a shit about 10 grand. lmao get good retards

retarded conspiracoid post
guys, this is what pure cope looks like