I can confirm this is going to happen, internal and external sources all corroborate. The XTC index has fallen 16% in one hour two days ago, counter indexes have not responded and investors are pulling in all the stops. There's turmoil in the VBN sector, massive selling of real estate packages and confidence deflagration in the biggest sectors of the yield market, this time it looks terminal. Today the GTL was in its lowest price since 1928 and the Fed has officially taken steps to distance capital, no investor is going to touch that. Interests will not lower in any financial sense, people will buy and sell, look for VIX signals and prepare to hold, small indexes are collapsing right now in front of our eyes. If no intervention happens, this is the big one. Buckle up and saddle up cowboys, this time we will yee our last ah.

Tomorrow is the day, at the most 2 days. I suggest you prepare for the worst.

Attached: 3b29188f53d3a738f9dbf1dfe8bc580f.jpg (800x555, 65.98K)

No proof at all

This is the 4th time I've read this copy/pasta b8.


IDK you got that gay flag but I hope your right. I'm sick of this slow decline. Let's rip of the fucking band aide.

Not my problem

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You have no proof schizo. Shut up. Let me guess 2 more weeks?

I work at a bank and haven't heard anything supporting this, though I did play hooky today. Nothing like working at a bank to make you hate kikes, they're the absolute worst. Ever deal with 80 year old kikes calling to bitch at you about CD rates because they don't produce enough to live off of at the level which they invest? They're the fucking worst, and it doesn't help that they're old as fuck 75% of the time. It's really funny once you realize the percentage of regular people compared to jews that invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions in CDs. None of them want to touch independent wealth because it's not fdic insured. They're full on goblins when it comes to CDs and it's funny because we really don't need their business, I've told so many kikes to fuck off it's unreal.

You aren't understanding. The name of the store was just "Chuck's", that's it. It wasn't Chuck's Feed and Seed, it wasn't Chuck's Suck and Fuck, it was just Chuck's.

Nothing ever happens.

>just trust me bro

In case anyone might ask how I know they're jewish... even if I don't know their name or anything about them besides the manner in which they speak and the words they choose to use, it's obvious from those 2 things alone but then after the initial small talk they say who they are and what they're looking into and I'm right every fucking time, I often wonder what the parts of my mind that store this information could be used for if I didn't have to deal with these retard spawn 25 times a fucking day. Hitler wasn't even in banking, but if he was he definitely would have chosen to actually kill jews.

We talking $SPX 2500 puts for end of month expiry user? Wassup?

Aye it’s false.

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60% chance this is indeed a kike but my doubts lie in his question itself

Yes the ol trust me bro spammer. Why are they like this?


I fucking hate memeflags, thank God they all burn forever in Hell.

Attached: BANKING COLLAPSE TOMORROW.jpg (1920x3815, 1.57M)

Ooh you found ones dating back to April. I couldn’t find anything past a week ago. Good on you user, here’s a picture of skyquake sitting down happily

Attached: EC8A8195-9BD3-48ED-A2EE-4BC7AB7141E9.jpg (512x602, 288.65K)

you never know these days. Sometimes op delivers, and some times op is a lying faggot.

I will say some are a bit fun to bullshit with, one like 80 yr old mischling complains that none of the jews with jewish mothers treat her the same because only her father was jewish, she's always talking about hooking me up with a some girl, I thought it was funny that she really wasn't seen as a full blooded jew by them. Also very into interest rates and feeling out any possibility that could or couldn't happen.