Americans do not want handouts, they want measured fiscal conservatism. Pay back your loans, get a job, and stand on your own two feet. It's called 'The Republican Way'.

>Sad to see what’s being done to bribe the voters. Biden's student loan forgiveness plan may win Democrats some votes, but it fuels inflation, foots taxpayers with other people’s financial obligations, is unfair to those who paid their own way & creates irresponsible expectations.

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Where Romney draws the line against the left is interesting. Don't fuck with usury or he will turn on you.

Checked and based Rmoney

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>Reparations for niggers are good because the money isn't going to Israel
Die you Jew rat.



One the few times, Mitt Romney is not a faggot tard. Parasites are happy now but a toll will be paid.

Because bailing out bug corporations and banks who spent taxpayer money on gambling is OBVIOUSLY THE CAPITALIST AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!
Bomb the federal reserve
kill Jerome Powell
Fuck America.

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Notice they are doing nothing to stop the problem, but that's a fun false dichotomy you are employing there. Also, die you jew rat.

I have a leadership position in a Fortune 500 company. Since loanniggers are all getting $10k of stolen taxpayer money, I will make sure none of them get hired by my department for the foreseeable future.

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The cost of sitting in a room while a communist indoctrinates you didn't just go up for no reason. If you sell cars and the government guarantees loans for that car you can charge more money for them, a lot more money.

i've never been to college, could you hook me up?

I wonder what Ron Paul thinks about all this

Unfair to those who paid their own way? Are we not supposed to leave the world better for our children then it was for us?

Did he support bailouts for corporations

Shh, they only see things in 2d. If you reveal that depth is real we will be burned as witches.

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Fuck Israel and fuck you you pathetic leftist leech. Pay your own fucking bills.

Thanks for your thoughts, Mitt. Does this mean you're no longer an unpricipled cuckbag that's going to cave and fortify progressive policy goals, and steal my tax money to give to lockheed martin?

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Actually even that is a better use of the money than spending it on tuition to convince Stacy she's suffering from internalized-misogyny and that motherhood would only propagate a white supremacist patriarchy.

why dont you stop being a faggot and join the tax boycott movement

yea of course Romney supported the TARP bailouts lol bunch of hypocrites
America needs a new party even this paltry 10k isn't enough to make up for decades of damage by the Muppets in office right now. And FAT retards like who wake up and jerk off then shovel shit on their farms in the boonies every morning have no idea what they are talking about but act like these people red or blue give a fuck about citizens. honestly the only people that should be allowed to vote are those who went to college

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How is transferring wealth from the working class to the college-educated class making the world a better place for children?

Why should tax payer money go to any of it. If they can't pay back the loan after x amount of years let them file bankruptcy like you can with any other loan. This is like forcing some guy to pay off the loan on his neighbors house because that guy signed a bad deal and couldn't handle the interest rates. Just because he lives in the same neighborhood (or country in this case) doesn't mean he should be liable for it.
This is all really a giveaway for the banks.