Epstein island. Wtf is that thing?

Epstein island. Wtf is that thing?

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Lemons (2)

opening for an underground ventilation system

that shit glowed hard

Blood trough for Jewish ritual sacrifice.

probably, but i see no blood. its not going underground because theres a gap. its standing on the ground.

thats a cistern

cement element, used sometimes to protect pipes or valves from being hit by tractors.

ah nothing, just a container for fun cakes made in the shape of full sized human bodies surrounded by a rich fun sauce that looks like blood.

It is a nganga. Or maybe cage or containment chamber might be a better word.
It is a Palo Mayombe thing. They put different stuff in them, earth and bones etc; with the idea being that there is a malevolent spirit that gets trapped inside and does the bidding of the magician.
Something like that, anyway. That's the "reader's digest" version.
It looks like the lid on this one is missing. Which is somewhat disconcerting, depending on your belief system.

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you gotta put your lye somewhere when it's time to dissolve the bodies

The starting block in blender.

Looks like one of those boxes I'd build to put my Sims in and watch them die

spare septic tank

Why is the island so desolate? Shouldn't it be lushly greened with lovely manchaneel trees akee, datura and gympie gympie? A jungle paradise with stately Heracleum mantegazzianum festooned with climbing Toxicodendron and a thriving population of St Lucia fur de lance?

Sulfur and iron nodes

Yep, a cistern.

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