Anti-student loan forgiveness arguments are retarded

Anti-student loan forgiveness arguments are retarded.

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why don't the colleges pay back the loans instead of the taxpayers? they are the ones who sold a bad product

How about we go after the banks instead?

how much do i have to pay to pull the lever?

Disingenuous argument. The government could refund everyone who's ever paid. The fact they choose not to means they are necessarily benefitting the group of people who didn't bother to understand what they were doing, majored in a subject ending in the word studies, and only figured out how the world works afterwards, at the expense of people who didn't make those mistakes. If there's going to be losers in this situation why does it have to be the people who did things right?

Except that you forgot that it's gonna hit more people down the road no matter.
Why aren't you fixing it? Why are you pushing the problem down the road?

Everything, eternally.

It would make more sense to just find all the people who ever paid for college and give them a check regardless of whether they still have debt

Why should I pay taxes for somebody's student loan???
I already pay for niggers

What a colossal retard you are

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>Would it be fair to the virgins if I had sex?
Your argument is retarded.

Put Israel on the train though to make it better.

Cool it with the antisemitism.

It would make more sense for each person to pay for their own education

Everyone on the track volunteered to be there knowing full well what was coming.

You do realize the tax payers are paying for your loans. Put tax payers on the top rail and then the picture is accurate.

Wrong, many were forced. Loan sharks made a bad investment, they're covering the losses.

This. It doesn't solve the actual issue or any of the nonsense societal problems that lead to academia extorting people via fear, it doesn't take the money back from the institutions that blatantly overcharged and are getting away free, and it's clearly just a bribe for midterms.

I'll take it, tho.

man, these coastal elites sure do love a handout

Let me guess, they were also "forced" to take the vaxx?

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no they arent you barrowed money pay it back

The cartoon needs to be changed to people tying themselves to the track first.

“Oooooh help me! I didn’t realize the 50k I wasted was actually a lot of money to pay back!!!!!! :O”

Nobody is forced to go to college or take out loans.

>the next generation of Americans should pay my debts

OP your picture is funny. Its almost as if you only seem to understand the future and economy. But only when its beneficial for you. haha typical dipshit faggot leftist selfish double standards in their own meme.

How does the saying go, the left cant meme.
oh yes, like that

This argument would only work if it was for ending federally backed (AKA, Stupidly easy to get) student loans. Save those to come, damn those who already failed.

You can consider societal pressure as "forcing" someone. It's a force that pushes or pulls.

The real problem is the government is acknowledging that these people were effectively charged too much money. This is their attempt to rectify that, which I somewhat get. At the same time, institutions that we trust for information literally scammed people and no heads are rolling. Again, the government and any ruling authority is clearly complicit in a scam that is so hurtful people need to be given money back.

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Define forced. Everyone was sold the lie. And yet you could very easily label the dead group as borrowers who paid already and the alive group as the 18 year olds who were rubber stamped into college while not being smart enough to read the student aid paperwork they were signing. And now they're the ones celebrating another $10,000x getting inflated away after seeing and still not understanding the connection between only $3,200x of coof money and food prices doubling.

You remind me of my wife. Inability to see the ‘knock on’ effects of an action. Many of you are like this, it’s like your brain only has one level. You are literally so stupid that you don’t realise many of us see multiple steps ahead when it comes to things that happen in life

I have no sympathy for self inflicted wounds.
They did it to themselves. Now somehow my taxes are paying for their education.
If i ever hear a random stranger bragging about getting student loan relief I am going to sucker punch them.

I fixed your shitty meme

Attached: sheeeeyit.png (2048x1171, 1.52M)

>Only benefits you
First of all, i don't have any student debt. I already paid it off. I'm not whining about some people suddenly getting relief.
Second, you obviously don't understand the economy or future. Debt forgiveness frees up wealth that would have otherwise gone to debt collecting elites. Now these former students will spend that money in the economy. Which means more capital and growth for small and large businesses in the long run.