Trump is going to be blamed for the vax

Trump is going to be blamed for the vax,

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>Trump is going to be blamed for the vax.
Blaming Trump won't make the leftist NPCs not dead.

don't care still voting trump

Is this real?

Yes its from the movie ET.


Is it dead?

if he does get blamed it'll work out for us, it was the libs shilling it so hard, and now that things are going south they want to turn around and blame cons for it. That's not going to work. I don't think Trump would have had mandates or forced people to take the vax. There's a difference between how business people do thing and the way political types do things. The former has common sense and doesn't act solely through collusion threats and violence to accomplish their ends

They will fail
All paid Shills will face justice.

Jan 6th blame credibility dried up huh?

In the end, everyone supported Trump. Remind them this every day.

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>Blaming Trump won't make the leftist NPCs not dead.

This. They know the cattle will believe whatever ridiculous thing they say so this is the narrative when the left starts dropping like flies this winter. They want the hate focused on Trump until they’re gone for good.

What kind of sad life have you lead where you haven't seen E.T?

tfw pre-2020 libshits were actually right about the Trumpvax

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e.t. looks like a raw cevapcici here


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> starts dropping like flies
They already are. The vaxxed death rate has gone vertical.

who says per cent?

Lol good

i never fell for that ET shit. as a child i was fucking terrified of ET. that shit was like a horror movie to me.

Real aliens aren't so cute

The vax is one of the best things to ever happen to the world
hundreds of millions of low IQ sub humans are going to be culled

He got better.

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Of course he will be blamed for any negatives, and BIden will be praised for any positives. This is the way of fucking politics. Get it through your fucking heads already - politics is the strategic manipulation of resources and information to achieve certain goals. The trick is knowing what the goals are, which are never communicated publicly.

this would be a good FB group

Mac and me type guy eh.

I haven't fr fr no cap
Don't @ me

Nice git

When I saw this scene in the theaters as a child, it scared the piss out of my friend and my mom had to take him home lol

I'm sure the die off will happen guys
2 more weeks haha

trump didn't force it on anybody, democrats did that

Dude, a fucked up E.T. really?
Here is a nice Trump picture.

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Why not, its his fault.

I once thought i saw a E.T., but it turned out to just be a crackhead.
Now i don't think there are any real E.T's, the one in OP's pic is probably just a crackhead to.

I had a visit with my GP today.
She tried to sell me on a Shingles vax and a Pneumonia vax that is supposedly the one I'll ever need.
And of course she pushed for the Covid vax.
She couldn't answer whether the Shingles & Pneumonia were mrna vaxxes.
So I had o nope her.

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He should be fucking blamed for the vaccine. This skunk headed piece of trash actually poisoned the overwhelming majority of mankind just to secure votes for an election he didn't even fucking win. I'm tired of Republicans trying to fall on their swords for Trump. Fuck Trump and fuck DeSantis, we need Rand Paul and you're all mindless retards for thinking otherwise. Besides Rand Paul and RFK Jr., who in the government is actively going after Fauci and the vaccines?

At one point, the experts said the shots were 99+% effective against even getting infected at all. I know people who are quad-vaxxed and keep getting covid every 6-9 months.

I heard that this shithead Colbert is dying from the vax.
Can't fucking wait to hear about him passing.

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