The absolute state of USA

Free Narcan dispensers on every corner in USA

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The solution to the drug problem is to legalize drugs so that degenerates will finally overdose and die. We don't need natural selection or eugenics, let the free market kill them

A nigger will break it.

my rope comes in 2 days so i can finally end it lmao

wth is going on with women right now?

Its easier to get the fent than narcan, epi pens and antibiotics. Thats the real tragedy

>Right now
You feeling okay?

>A nigger will break it.
This. I give it a month before some nigger rips it open to get at the valuable free contents.

Be a team player. Don't be suicidal be homicidal. You gotta put others before yourself.

you know i am related to ted bundy so i should make him proud

you know he has many kids

It's not free tho, ya gotta pay

>Be me
>Want to hook up with hot tattooed zoomer women
>Have to pretend to be a socialist to do so
Is it worth it bros? If I give out narcan to hobos every week i might get laid

This is wishful thinking. You won't be safe and your children won't be safe. Who is going to pay for their legal drug habits? Look at alcoholics and the misery surrounding them, now imagine this with hard drugs.

I agree with this.

That’s a man

I'm imagining how many niggers would OD in like 2 weeks.

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not worth it. do the opposite and you can still bang them.

The problem is young dumb kids then have easy access to them and die. Also druggys rarely OD. They live for ages and let their life go to shit and can turn into cunts who commit crimes or juet shit up your town. The real solution is to just deliver hotpockets

As a person who was strung out on heroin for nine years of my life, I'll come out and say this is too much. Narcan saves lives, yes. It absolutely saved mine twice. And it saved someone I loved dearly once. But it is enough for police and paramedics to have it on hand. Putting it on the street corner is an act of enabling. I don't want to see anyone die, but we can't pretend / attempt to live in a consequence free world either.

thats a man

As a leftie, you'll get more leftist pussy than us if you're right wing and confident. Literally. Speak your mind, be masculine but not autistic, you will get leftist women and even couples asking for your dick.

How long until someone breaks into it? Remember that pic of the free condom dispenser that was broken open so they could "steal" all the condoms

What even is that? Is that some american thing?

Won't happen. Makes no sense to drug dealers, legal or illegal, to kill their own customers. Just think about it. What do you think happens if Pfizer gets government ok to sell hard drugs to junkies? Do you really think they are going to OD their cash cows?