So tomorrow I'm going to be hospitalized in the psychiatric ward, what should I expect...

So tomorrow I'm going to be hospitalized in the psychiatric ward, what should I expect? Basically I just signed a contract for a job I hate but they basically can't kick me out now except for very serious reasons. Today I went to the appointment I scheduled with a psychiatrist and told her a made-up story where I hate my job so much I can't see a way out so I am following an online dude who is tutoring me on offing myself with an exit bag. The doctor didn't even know what an exit bag is and wanted to put me in the ward immediately, but I told her I'd go tomorrow. If I am recognized as suicidal I can get home working and not be employed as customer care faggot in a train station among niggers, junkies and fat american tourists. What else should I tell them to prove I am batshit crazy and not able to work with the public?

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Bro just get another job


You posted this shit before you dumb fuck. attention fucking whore

Go out and touch grass for once

Just show them how bad your posts are here. They might lock you up though.

You need to just man up and eat your own shit
Tell them you eat shit, they will send you for testing to see if your telling the truth and it u are then they will say your disabled but you have to eat it so you pass the test. That’s what I did to get checks for being a NEET

wait you got a job you cant get fired from, so now you fake being a psychopath so they can actually fire you?
i dont understand the reasoning sorry

Here if you go to psychiatric ward you are guaranteed neet bux. so check how is it in your country.

They can't fire me for health reasons only if I assault someone or steal money. I wanna work from my countryside home and don't see people

Dude there is far easier ways than eating your own shit what the fuck

Perfect countenance to get sodomised.

>Bad mental health problems
You are a mind nigger

Damn dude you’re a weak loser. I hope they never let you out

Damn son, it looks like you are pathetic as fuck, why dont kill yourself anyway

not sure about in pasta land, but in burger land, they automatically admit you in most states for 72 hours if you say you are suicidal. After 72 hours, you get committed for around a month....prob similar in land of pasta. You'll be bored as fuck because prob won't be able to have phone or laptop and you will be in with some really shitty annoying people

but none as enjoyable.

then learn something useful for a remote job

Mexibro is right

>i'm giving myself up to the zionist prophet elimination machine, so I can avoid being responsible for myself
You gonna get what you deserve.

that's going to fuck up the rest of your working career user unless you plan to never work with public institutions or big corps, good luck.

>Southern German
>Knows the ease in which to eat shit

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My plan is to stay home, have time to study programming then move to a third world place and live like a king while doing a part time job remote. I cannot study while working irl

I was in a psych ward as a teen. It was boring and very structured. If you're in a high-nigger concentration zone, like a major city, my guess is that the psych ward will be more chaotic due to incompetence among workers.

My man, I know how it feels. But you really shouldn't go down the fake disability route. Try moving to a small state with more whites and lower cost of living. Get a job and take courses to work in a STEM field or a trade. Believe me, it will save you a lot of headaches and low self Esteem in the long run.

You just eat it once or twice pass the test and your done for life
It’s that easy they test for it and there’s no argument against you winning your disability case. I know blind people who can’t get disability, there’s literally no easier way.
You can work for 50 years I ate shit that one day 15 years ago

good plan man, if it doesn't work out you can just off yourself for real

>i don’t want to work in a train station because i don’t want to be around junkys and crazy people
>I’ll just feign mental illness and they will put me somewhere with junkys and crazy people and I won’t even get paid for it
Malingerers get what they deserve

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Sorry, just realized OP is italian. The advice still stands, although "state" should be replaced with "town" or "region"

Then just save money at your current job and take a loan from kike bank.
After that just disappear to the 3rd world, destroy all your contact info.

>not be able to work with the public


>What else should I tell them to prove I am batshit crazy and not able to work with the public?
Don't overdo it, keep your stories limited.
Over acting is the most common and obvious give-away.

This is accurate. It’s really boring and the people you’re stuck with are stupid and annoying as shit. In burgerstan they take your phone and any other possessions you came in with, so there’s nothing to do outside of therapy sessions.

You work for 50 years
I ate shit once and get 3000$ cash and 1500$ EBT a month
I don’t even spend most of it because I life in my moms pool house. I have 62k in savings now

I think you're actually batshit crazy just show them this thread you made...

>move to a third world place
Giuseppe, you’re in one

Imagine posting larp threads all day is how you get your dopamine hits lmao. Fucking meds

I think thats what you actually needed to do you larping fucking faggot. imagine posting the same lie over and over again for attention on pol. absolutely the strongest sign of a loser.

Considering your thread right now, you're certainly not operating in reality. I guess you can just show this thread to your doctor, so you can cease being such an attention whore.

Dude just breach your contract and don't show up, no one's going to fucking arrest you for not going to your job lol

Call your new job and tell them you have cancer in your balls and you have to focus on your treatment 100%

problem solved

now go find a job you won't hate going to, perhaps you could make pasta while drinking wine and having italian banter with tourists

Go to Spain and you know the rest

Why should it be a larp? It's not even that exciting, not that I said I am in Ukraine fighting ruskies or some shit

>mystery meat
>has countrymen who literally eat shit and are proud of it

You dont need to eat it, I suppose they check for it via oral swab so some smearing should suffice. gz on the neetbux

No kidding. Italians are fucking retarded. No wonder they can't win a war.

read between the lines. This a NEET who most likely was forced to get a job by their parents or get kicked out of the house. This loser wants to go back to jacking off and watching anime 24/7 so theyre making an effort to get disability.