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not my problem user

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You need to work to send $$$ to Zelensky.

Why didn't the NG POGs draw down on those faggots and arrest the Border Patrol and economic migrant rapefugees?

State law supercedes federal law

So what's the results of today?

At lunch, Mr. Shekelstein will serve you some good goyslop so that you have energy to stay awake in the cage in the afternoon

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went. When he went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same. And about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around, and he said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard.’ When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first.’ When those hired about five o’clock came, each of them received a denarius. Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius. And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Yeah exactly. tough shit boomer you paid the Jew but we won't.

This is why every American should have an offshore bank account and own their weight in gold, silver, and platinum. You don't get good boy points for doing the right thing.

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Those of us who did the right thing get screwed.

That is an interesting statement. Any and all teachers, principals, councilors, and administrators gaslight and pressured children (actual children) to take out big ass loans and not worry about it whatsoever. They never even taught basic curriculum involving money, civics, banking, interest, or contracts. It was all predatory scamming from the get go.
Just like everything else in this failed country. Give me that money, niggers. I want my loans paid off. Then go back to stealing from us to make boomers more comfortable.

This is how schizo streetside preachers reproduce. They lure in unsuspecting retards to (((study))) (((scripture))) until they start to believe they know some deeper truth. Then those new people become schizo streetside preachers.

FASFA literally covered 6 years of Uni for me, 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of masters. I don't even understand how people get into debt, the government covered my entire education AND gave me about 30k on top of that in cash.

Now I have a high paying engineering job and don't have any debt to begin with.

Because they are pussies. That'd start Civil War 2 Brown Plague Bugaloo

Community college costs too much. I make too much working full time for anything to be covered.

>pil-pulling the literal word of Christ
Good luck with that friend.

By the way, paying interest to jews and making them even richer and more powerful is never, ever the right thing to do.

Oh the people that have been robbing you blind for decades do it again oh no.
You won't do shit.
In communist America they will take away your homes next.
Or you will have to take in 1 rapefuge every family.
They did the same in the past btw.

>They never even taught basic curriculum involving money, civics, banking, interest, or contracts.
Yeah that's fairly obvious based on the number of dumb niggers happy about daddy government robbing the poor to pay the rich.


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That's why you should work part time, avoid making too much so that you're still eligible for the full financial aid amount. That's what everyone does anyways, you're just making shit harder for yourself if you don't utilize the loopholes in the system.

Sorry my landlord won't accept anything below the agreed to $1200/mo.

>Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

Here's the problem.
>That passage has nothing to do with the topic.
>Even if it did, the money does not belong to the government, it belongs to the people.
>Being generous with other people's money is not a virtue.

Sir this is America, you will and have always been punished for doing the right thing

thing is der jude is only extending the carrot, then smacking them with the stick. Nothing good may happen as long as the jew is present.

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i want to see nothing more but the absolute collapse of muttshartlardfartiKKa :^)

Honestly they can have it. Yeah it's not fair to people that didn't fall for the scheme (like me) but I'd rather a whole generation get unfucked than have everyone broke and unable to afford anything just so everyone can be equally poor.

Fuck you I got mine is a selfish construct

They're not going to get "unfucked". They're kicking the can down the road

people say leftist ideas are slippery slopes, when they're actually fucking trojan horses, slippery slope makes it seem like they lose control of their own bs, but they know exactly what they're doing
>it's just the 1965 immigration act, it won't change the demographics of the country
>it's just medicare, we won't force you to pay into it
>it's just pausing the student loans, we won't rob you to reward irresponsible ppl

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So what about the next generation? Loans will be harder to get and colleges will charge more because they now anticipate bailouts. Do we just have to forgive loans every 5 years now? What about the people left holding the bag when we can't afford to do that anymore?

You're a fucking retarded nigger and are the reason our country is collapsing. Actually seriously kill yourself.

Yeah I'm unironically pretty pissed. I had 20k in student loan debts and I paid them all off from 2016 - 2018 because I actually got a real degree that got me a decent job and now I'm paying for retard redditors that got women's studies degrees.

Why should I pay for my mistake when others can be forced to pay for me?

They're literally not saving anybody. Just jewing them per usual.

they fucked us over hard already and we are already paying for it and NOW they want off they hook? they inflated everything. and now they are being rewarded for it. all those professor salaries, fancy new additions to university campuses, were funneled in on these trojan horse cockroaches who can't or won't pay their debt and now we are gonna unburden them and let them wreak more havok? think about it before u try to have sympathy for someone who does not deserve it

I didn't go to school because I knew I couldn't afford the loans

Am I going to get compensated for the loan money I would have received?

Will I be compensated for the years I've spent uneducated and living in poverty while some schmuck with a meme degree lived it up?


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Those people that got retarded degrees aren't going to magically finally have a good life, they'll still be slaving away at Starcucks asking for MORE.

Thinking that loans should be easy to get or that everyone should go to college is what put us in this problem in the first place

It's paid by money printing so anyone with savings is getting fucked. You should be all in some asset(s) to protect yourself against this sort of shit (and ignore short term dollar price movements up and down).

i didnt go to college
i get 1/4 my income taxed for nothing. the food and water is poison. the infrastructure is obsolete. the environment is polluted. im priced out of home ownership. im priced out of having a family
i truly dont see any benefit to being an american

College is an absolutely necessary rite-of-passage for employers to not treat individuals like a mild nuisance at best, or a fucking nigger at worst.

>i truly dont see any benefit to being an american
What other option do you have?

Especially the flyover states! LOL
little Republican Clitties in Cagies!

>i truly dont see any benefit to being an american
Because there's no other place in earth like it

Then leave lol, more housing for me hahaha

Based fire water merchant. Fuck DRUMPFT and fuck white people.

LMAO you're never going to be some everyman hero because you avoided getting an education...you see education in a derisive light because you're a base and low person. You didn't get an education because you CHOSE not to

Now clean it up wagie...I just dropped $20k on the ground HAHAHA

it's ironic that those in society most stuck on Trump and his 'quid pro quo' vote for politicians that will take money meant for the good of everyone to bail out their 'intellectually superior' ass. "I just vote in my best interest" means they want to take your stuff, but use the government to do it. you should have no respect for a leftist. they deserve nothing but hate and scorn.

What will Republicans do about it? NOTHING.
Little Republican Clitties in Cages!

How? lol yeah the US debt is fictional, it’s not real just like the money

>Whaaaaaaaaa why do other people get help!!!!?????
It was his daughter's problem to fix, not his. If he didn't do anything, her loans would have been forgiven

This passage is about how the Goys will be given full salvation even if they come in at the last minute, so The "First" (aka The Chosen) will be last and the last (aka the Goys) will be first.
It's nothing to do with Government Generosity.

Because nothing comes from nothing.

Nobody's taking money loans are being cancelled not paid off. The money never existed.

None of you have any point other than this and with it, you don't have a point- the loans consist of inflationary artificial money which you claim to be against tooth and nail.

We were taken advantage of- worry about the 3 trillion to banks you prob don't realize just happened.