Well Any Forums ?

well Any Forums ?

answer him

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Why would we want to feed niggers? Niggers are the most destructive biological weapon in existence.

Killing shitskins>feeding shitskins

We spent 50 Marshall Plans on Africa and look at it today

end it for how long? these niggers live in deserts where they can't grow shit. giving them food only enables their retardation.

If one studies game theory they would understand why this would never happen

He is absolutely correct, but nobody seems to have the will to use the weaponry to that end.

I'll become concerned about feeding the hungry after we get an indigenous European ethnoworld. Until then, starving niggers to death en masse is a good biological weapons-reduction policy.

Yeah lets stop sending money/weapons to Ukraine

No it wouldn't. They'd just breed more hungry mouths that would multiply the problem.

Remember in 1984 when they send food to help the Ethiopians with their famine.
There were 40 million ethiopians back then and there are 110 million around now.
'ending world hunger' just means feeding africa until you get infinity niggers

We spent money ending lives instead of saving them.
So, with that said, I'm pretty happy with it.

People eat money?

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Good because niggers mustn't be fed otherwise they will multiply even more

This guy gets it

6000 times over?
You can feed all the starving people in the world with less than a dollar each apparently

>10 billions of niggers

also, are those bots or people are really void of brain ?

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I'll spell it out for you morons, if you attempted to use that money to grow food and ship it to people that need it, prices of land, fertilizer, labor and shipping would go through the roof for everyone, not to mention the environmental damage.
Same reason that Bezos and Musk could never spend their hundreds of billions, it's not in real resources but numbers in a computer.
Our currency doesn't mean shit, and there's not enough resources in the world to be bought with it.