Politically speaking, why does modern software suck so bad?

Politically speaking, why does modern software suck so bad?

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Its vastly more complex than earlier software, does a whole lot more, and was written faster and by less qualified people

This. This. THIS.

Script languages allow midwits to write software.

diversity quotes and no one gives a single fuck who is the better

>does a whole lot more

what does microsoft word do now that it couldnt do before? or gmail? or photo viewer? 99.99% of people couldnt give an answer besides that theyre slow as fuck

every OS is a backdoored spying app

why did he have to take the jab

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Jon, aren't you a bit ashamed it's taking you 10 years to write a fucking Sokoban?

he was working on Jai

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>Computer specs 14x as good as 1997
>PC still takes 3 minutes to boot up

Stop using Windows.
*nix OS boot a lot faster than windows crap.

I think the core issue is that programmers of Jon's generation grew up with 8 bit machines that did little unless you programmed them. The developed a deep understanding of hardware at an early age. Then we had the tech boom and suddenly there wasn't enough neck beards to go around so people began hiring people with less knowledge. And then it became a career path which pulled in pajeets and women. And then big tech companies began mass hiring in order to keep any programmers with actual skills out of the hands of their competitors. And today twitter has 3000 programmers on staff to maintain a fucking website.

I refuse to believe they have 300 programmers.
290 are intelligence agents probably foreign intelligence agents.

It doesn't.
Software is as complicated as its ever been and his only evidence is a bunch of anecdotal screenshots of things not working with no context..

I think that the problem is that in order to maintain profitability companies need to leverage as much existing software as possible so most software products are just a thin slice of code on top of a mountain of other people's code. There is too much economic potential in doing things this way.

3000 wasn't a typo. And this was in 2019.

is that the cyberpunk 77 team for real?


You think religious cults are bad?
Then you've never heard about corporate methodologies.

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