I’ve yet to hear an explanation for this

If the COVID vaccine is gonna cause mass die offs and this is a planned consequence by the elites, why would they want to kill off their most loyal sheep and leave the rebellious ones who will never obey your commands, who will never help prop up your lavish lifestyle, and who will probably go looking for you to take revenge once the purported die-off takes place?

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>If the COVID vaccine is gonna cause mass die offs and this is a planned consequence by the elites,
It's not

because they can replace you will millions of brown people at any time who work for less, live with less, and expect less from their lives.

do you really think you're irreplaceable? lol

>why would they want to kill off their most loyal sheep
Because the goal is population reduction at any cost. The ideological demographic is not so important. The spike proteins damage White people more than Asians and Ashkenazi Jews though, so it seems to have been engineered to target racial demographics.

No one rebelled. It's like on snowpiercer they will just balance the numbers. Sheep are slaughter material no matter how cuddly.

>do you really think you're irreplaceable?
According to every techie on Any Forums, their cushy WFH meme job that only requires an hour of their day is utterly essential to keep society functioning.

They’re gonna go work for the western elites who just knowingly killed off a massive chunk of their population and promptly started inviting niggers in to fill in the gaps? They’re gonna do that while they don’t even get access to whitey’s gibs because they all died? Not even a nigger would fall for that.

we raise cattle for one reason to slaughter

Just to be perfectly clear, any amount of "free will" you think you have, is of absolutely no consequence to the elites. There is no distinction drawn between NPC cattle who take the vax willingly and those of us here who resist. As long as you live on the grid and are dependent on the infrastructure that they control, your freedom is nothing but an illusion. They wanted to reduce our populations by a certain percentage, and the more volunteers, the easier their goal, but it has nothing to do with cultivating certain demographics. All the NPCs could be gone tomorrow and we'd still be under their thumb, hate to break it to you.

>oh look, this thread again

wouldn't that make it easier for them to domesticate the clotties who survived?

Then why did they choose to go about depopulation in such a way that gave ample time for alarm bells to be raised? It’s not like they couldn’t have predicted that people would resist this vaccine this isn’t even the first time they’ve done so; antivaxers have been a thing for decades.

>They’re gonna go work for the western elites...
absolutely. they don't know where their gibs comes from, only that they're promised, and that's all that matters to them.

It's called he great work. They are going to flood us with Africans after the die off.

>why would they want to kill off their most loyal sheep
Because it's easier ? A goy is a goy. Do you care about which mosquitos are being obedient when you kill them ? You know why you can't figure an explanation ? Because you are low IQ who deserve to die. I fully agree with jews.


>nothing ever happens because i cant understand why it might happen

Cull the herd.

At least the rebellious have a mind of their own and willing to put some effort in educating themselves.
Which are positive qualities you would want to preserve in future generations of humanity.
The non thinking sheep are replacable by bots.

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Their most loyal sheep were also the most useless. Nothing about pleb culture contributes to anything other than the continuation of pleb culture. It's like a negative feedback loop of societal stagnation.

But, also, (((they))) aren't as clever as they'd like you to believe

At some point the elite will extend a hand to the survivors. Many will accept that hand and in doing so will join them amongst the ranks of the damned. The few who refuse will be liquidated.

This fucking question again. Fuck off.
Spice it up anons.

oh they want us all dead. this is just an easy way to get rid of a lot at once.

Plenty will always come from the 3rd world.
They will likely be ignorant of the whole thing or believe it was an honest mistake.

Look at the many people who returned to live in Germany after the war of specific backgrounds despite being targeted during that war.

The majority of people are sheep, if they want to reduce the population heavily they need to start with the easy to kill one's.

Does the farmer care about the personal politics of his caged chickens?
a goy is a goy is a goy, my goy.

The unchecked mass immigration replacements in the EU\UK and US are not being vaccinated, how can they be?

The governments don't care about the health of their new slaves.

They are in for a rude awakening.

You ask this same stupid question all the time. All fields.

>why would they want to kill off their most loyal sheep and leave the rebellious ones who will never obey your commands
Their plan was obviously to demonize Blumpf and have him push the vaccines initially to dissidents, I understand your brainclots only allow you a memory of two weeks, but Operation Warpspeed and vaccinations were initially pushed by bad orange man. Turns out most of his followers weren't retarded enough to take the science juice.

If a bunch of people die in the west all within a short span causing an economic collapse, the nigs are gonna get cold feet. I can’t believe I have to say this but you are severely underestimating the (meager) intelligence of brown people.

Do you have any idea what level of secrecy is required to see a plan of this scale through? Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people all need to keep their mouths shut, most importantly all the doctors who worked on the vax (and many of whom have gotten the vax themselves) and would have to all keep their lips totally sealed. If there was some plausible threat of the vax having a mechanism to cause so many deaths there would be not just a handful of whistleblowers, but thousands. So many that the media wouldn’t be able to hush them all up. That’s also assuming the media is 100% complacent in it as well.

And again, WHY would they choose such a slow acting poison if they knew people were gonna start screeching about it almost immediately? Or are you gonna tell me that the deaths are totally gonna ramp up in two more weeks?

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