When did everyone start using the word "empathy" instead of "sympathy?" They're not the same thing...

When did everyone start using the word "empathy" instead of "sympathy?" They're not the same thing. It almost seems like a psy op, but it doesn't need to be to be weird

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If they have to tell you they're empaths they are not. The people that claim to want the common good are the types to throw you under the bus in a moment of weakness

Forced bullshit courses in college


but even if they don't make a claim about being something, there's still this language change
>we need to have empathy
as if you can't properly have concern for people unless you actually force yourself to feel their feelings.

Let me explain:

Jews rely on subjectivism for their pilpul to work. Subjectivism means there is no absolute truth. According to subjectivism, truth (and morality) originate from the observer. They've been pushing it for a quite a while.

Sympathy relates to understanding what someone is going through from your own perspective. It's a sane take. Empathy means you are understanding what someone else is going through from THEIR perpsective. That's impossible but now according to it you're an authority on the what others think and feel. Sometimes more than they are themselves. This in turn creates a dissociation from reality and a shit storm that further pushes a subjective take on the world and dettaches people from the truth.

they are the same word retard, one just has a prefix which means together, but since empathy is already has "togetherness" implied its just an emphatic.
like what are you going to empathize intransitively with no on

Most people do not understand what empathy is, and it's quite sad.
I don't know if having empathic ability will save the world but it may be a contributing factor.

>I sense this X in you
Thems are fighting words. Woman or man, you're gonna get punched in the mouth if you say it

Liberals seem to often pull off these bizarrely synchronized terminology switches

Like when they switched "equity" for "equality"

"Empaths" are pop psychology believers and 40 year old wine aunts who think they're 100% nice all the time to a fault because they cry all the time and can't control their emotions

A more correct, clinical term for them would be "emotionally underdeveloped"

>t. had 2 "empath" gfs

they should fire you, mr english teacher

>same word
>different spelling

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just take the L you faggots

"Empath" is just the latest way neurotic women try to rationalise their behaviour. It also means they have an excuse for anything since they can claim to adopt any feelings they want on a whim. If a woman (and 99% of the time it's a woman) tells you she's an empath the best thing to do is avoid her.

>itt self-loathing apathetics

It is a psyop because your fellow sociopaths needed a new fake nice façade (similar to the german jewish hippie movement) and picked this as one of its keywords.

>A more correct, clinical term for them would be "emotionally underdeveloped"
Indeed. "Empaths" are amazed by their own ability to perform the bog standard task of noticing when others are experiencing emotions. It's like they stopped developing at 5.

>t. empath

cos person can be empath, and not a sympath. And every girl this day and age wants to have a badge. They need something to feel special cos they are boring cunts.

They are different words with different meanings, and they are used differently look it up.

thus the thred

sympathy is what you get from your mom when you hurt your toe
empathy is what you to do truly understand someone whatever if its an event or moment in time

empathy isn't only when bad things happen, its a form of dissociation or psychedelic experience because you are removing as many barriers between yourself and the person you're empathizing with, as you can.

Because I can have empathy for my enemy as I strike him down, however I do not sympathize. what was done was necessary, but I am not going to pretend that my enemy is any less human like so many people do.

believe it or not 90%of humanity doesn't...it's too taxing, so once you're ready to step out of your social comfort- and gains zone the true blackpills start to sneak their way into your mouth. understand ego and the grand illusion of displayed positivity and virtue, then the scale of it.

Having sympathy towards another means that the other is having tough times, and you genuinely feel sorry for the other
Being Empathic, or having a high level of empathy means you understand people and how they are feeling on the inside regardless of the mask that they try to put forth. Subtle clues.
Anyways they are 2 entirely different words.
OP at it again

“Empath” is a made-up word from Star Trek
Are retards going around pretending they have ESP because they have an inkling about how others feel? lmao

LOL this, I figured I'd be one of the few to see through their bullshit, but bravo. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just not say anything, that alone will reveal a lot about someone.

Every girl I've known that's called themselves "empaths" have shows signs of sociopathy.

You guess what other people are feeling and repeat it to themselves until they start believing it duh

>star trek invented the greek language
you and mr nippon english teach, OUT!

Masses butcher words all the time. Word schizo does not mean schizophrenic, but the words are used interchangeably.
People that tell they want to be there for others and support others are usually most insensitive asshats I know.

Let's say there's a group of people and you all decide you're for gay rights. What is it when that group will continue down that path until they're sexualizing children unless you stop them?

>When did everyone start using the word "empathy"

TNG Troi. That's when.

they are the same thing according to dictionary, the separate meanings are a modern invention.

how about you take this D amerimutt

Empath = "Daddy and Mummy didn't love me so I have BPD, please fuck me. Noooooo where are you going I'm going to kill myself come back here right now"

I have 2 Millennial friends who transitioned before 2016. If I proposed that we have trans "women" dance suggestively at children, they would be appalled.