Federal Student Loan Payments Now Require Only 5% of Current Income

The only reason you wouldn’t think this is great is if you actually don’t believe in debt relief.

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Biggest thing not listed here, if you make the 5% capped payment it pauses your interest indefinitely, if you payed your loan off recently you can request your money back up to 10k, and the loan forgiveness period went from 20 years, to 10.

If you payed off your debt recently go ask for your money back because that's part of this bullshit plan.

It’s a really good time there’s going to be a lot of disposable income appearing in the middle class

That's the best provision in the whole thing. I sort of was on the fence about outright forgiveness but prorating it to monthly income is great because it actually fucks the banks. I like Biden a lot better than I liked Trump, man. He has stood up to oil companies and now banks. He's stood up to corporations. We have a 15% corporate minimum tax now thanks to him and congressional dems

It fucks with the banks for sure but I’ll bet they’re still satisfied in a way to be able to just buy 5% equity in people by giving them a student loan. Seems equitable

It's bad because the way they go about doing it is to just give a bunch of money to lenders in the form of paying the debtor's interest for them.
Instead of tax dollars going to fund universities, it's going directly to usury.

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That's going to mean inflation. Unfortunately, inflation does not have anything to do with "le money printer" as rightwingers believe. It has strictly to do with how much money and wealth the middle class and poor have. When they have more, inflation goes up. Only way to stop it without hiking rates to crush job growth is price controls, nationalization of industry, big taxes on the rich, socialism. All stuff which the rightwing won't have anything to do with.

Anyway inflation is trending down now anyhow. We had negative inflation last month and gas prices are tanking so things aren't seeming too bad...

But that's a problem way deeper into American society and capitalism. You'd need to be voting for far leftism, full socialism if you ever want debt and private banking to go away. And people on this site especially hate central banks or any thought of banking being done for public good and not-for-private-profit-of-billionaires

Well it’s either that or keeping inflation low by using debt to minimize the disposable income of the educated class

If you get this, you will officially be considers a worthless nigger for the rest of your life and will NOT be allowed in the ethnostate.
Don't try to make excuses or come up with cope, you are a nigger collecting a welfare gibsmedat handout from daddy government.
You are a worthless welfare nigger.

Right, so barring full blown leftism this is an okay solution. If people use banks to finance their education, this is a better way to do it

I don't believe in debt relief.

I’m going to use the money to start a family and support my ethnicity now

>It has strictly to do with how much money and wealth the middle class and poor have.
Yes, and now they are all going to have $10,000 more money you fucking retard faggot commie nigger shill kike.

>only niggers are allowed to get welfare, how dare you honkies take their gibs

Banks played stupid games with teenagers and won a stupid prize, same thing as the housing bubble.

good, we need more inflation

i paid back my 10k in debt in 2011 do i get it back now, i.e. 30k with inflation?

>extended one final time
>really, we really super duper mean it this time

No you're not because you are officially a welfare nigger.
If you were capable of starting a family, you would have done it already.

Nope, this is quite literally deflationary. Learn to economics, retard.

If you collect gibs, you can no longer call yourself White, you are a lightskin nigger now.
Gingers who get this are now officially redbone niggers.

Nah I think I will

lmao seethe more boomer/kike/gen x niggerkike. Muh ethnostate lmao can you be more delusional plus usury is literally a sin next to murder & adultery so go fuck yourself with a cactus you fucking nig nog.

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they can never unpause. it would cause such a shitstorm. lol. it only ends if the republicans get the presidency

Yeah it's much better for me to just pay my taxes so they can be given to blacks while I get nothing

Eat shit mutt, lmao

I will suck this Zionist state dry of every last nickle and penny I can before it crumples up and blows away like dust in the wind.
I owe this country jack shit.

Doesn't matter.
Stop trying to rationalize it.
You just want free money from the government because you are a nigger.
White people keep their promises and pay their debts because we have honor and civilization.
Niggers collect handouts.