Post offices

Post offices

I know that there's a lot of confusion on the rightwing among people about what "socialism" is. Rightwingers on TV, in media, on twitter, podcasts, here on this site and elsewhere have always sought to deliberately mislead voters about what "socialism" means.

They tell lies like "socialism means you will own nothing"

I'm going to try to help educate you guys as to what "socialism" is IRL

Socialism is very easy to understand in the context of modern, American society just by thinking about post offices and libraries.

Post offices and libraries are socialism. That's it. That's socialism, right there. The government runs the industry and does it not-for-profit. There's no CEO or shareholder at the top of it who is taking a share of the revenue to hoard for himself. All revenue goes toward employees, consumers, public good

You'll note how post office employees all make comfortable, living wages. They all get pensions and can retire after 15 or 20 years. This is what's common among government jobs, as opposed to private sector jobs where employees just get punished and sucked dry, dehumanized and left with nothing so they can never retire.

There's also employee-dignity with government jobs, as it's not easy to be fired from them. There are unions fighting for employees and so forth

So that's all socialism is, actually. It has nothing to do with "you will own nothing". Just as you go to the post office today, and then you go and buy your residential property, and you understand the commercial property and residential property are totally separate things. Such is the case under socialism

So that's all we're trying to accomplish. Nationalize industry so it's not run for the profit of billionaires. So it benefits everyone. We're only trying to make the world a better place not a worse place

Attached: USPS.png (960x540, 39.63K)

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Okay bud

So we would want Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon, manufacturing, pharma, healthcare all to be run like the post office. And we'd want it to be better funded than the post office. The republicans, hating socialism, have long waged a war against the USPS because it represents socialism and they want it to fail. That's why Trump made it a part of his platform to try to privatize USPS

Except the post office is an unreliable disaster and running a budget deficit for all eternity because of those pensions.

And after all, who doesn't love the U.S. Postal Service?

But that's just your rightwing political rhetoric. That's not something IRL and the USPS does a great job despite republicans doing everything in their power to defund them and turn them into failures. Even going so far as to wanting to outright abolish them as Trump did

Why is it then that 80% of socialists will up and disagree with you? Because socialism is what you say (nationalized industry) in the eyes of some, but in others it's 'social democracy', in others it is 'cooperative' or 'democratic' ownership or control. Others say it's not socialism if any kind of private ownership or industry exists, etc.

Is Publix socialist because employees own it, in spite of it being run as a capitalist enterprise? Is the Post Office socialist in spite of being created before the concept of socialism was a twinkle in a French eye?

If 'socialists' cannot comprehend their own ideology, how can we trust them to come up with solid solutions to the real and perceived ills of capitalism?

Attached: Contemplating a.jpg (1024x890, 194.13K)

Post office funds itself dumbass. It’s the only part of government that actually brings in revenue

I hate them

Bad example. The modern post office is part of the “intelligence community aka ic”. Or maybe you’re implying that spying on snail mail and email is “socialism”

No socialists disagree with me. That's just your rightwing rhetoric and narrative. The same thing you people on the right always do which is to strawman your political opponents and paint them all disagreeing, in crisis, stupid, wrong, fake or whatever negatively connotated adjective

It's not the only part but that's socialism. The funny thing is here your comment translates to "socialism works and nationalized industry makes a ton of money" but you didn't have the self-awareness to realize it as you were typing it

No. You're just an insane person. The post office is not "the deep state" or "the illuminati satanist cabal of QAnon" or whatever crazy thing you're trying to imply

>bourgeois defends western capitalist tax dollars
imagine my shock

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean or what point you thought you were making by typing it

I know you don’t. Hope you have a nice day user

Socialists are pro-post office user. I don't know what else to tell you. We want the model of the post office to be the model of the entirety of US industry.

Only thing I get in the mail is bills and traffic tickets. Fuck the post office.

It's sad. I think you know the post office is a good thing. It's sad to see rightwingers resort to trying to attack the post office just out their blind, irrational hatred of socialism

Name one function of the postal system that can’t be done through the internet

Hi, socialist here. Socialism is not "when the government does stuff". Socialism is when the means of production are owned collectively/publicly, rather than privately. There are several ways this can be implemented. For instance, you can have a market socialist economy whereby every business is a worker cooperative. The workers own the means of production collectively among themselves, and the worker cooperatives would engage in trade, just as in a capitalist economy. But unlike in a capitalist economy, it is their ownership of the business itself (the means of production) which cannot be traded. There is no stock market, because that would enable private ownership. Someone who is not related to the business would be able to derive profit from its resources and the labor of its workers, and make decisions they may contradict the whims of the workers, or even the interests of the general public.

Yes, we have a few publicly funded institutions in our economy. We still have a government that belongs to the highest bidder. It is still possible to obtain billions of dollars of wealth by exploiting the labor of others, and then bribe politicians into instituting policies that allow you to earn even more. Honestly, government is an unjustified hierarchy, and a weapon of capitalists to maintain their power. The ultimate goal of socialism should be to attain communism, which requires the complete removal of the state in its entirety.

And yes, by saying that communism requires the removal of the state, I am going to strongly imply that China, North Korea, the former Soviet Union, Vietnam, Cuba, etc... are not communist, and never have been. They're also arguably not socialist. If you put all of the resources in the power of the state, and then you lock out control of the state to a singular party that not everyone can be a member of, you don't have collective ownership. You have one giant corporation that owns everything. It's state capitalism.

Post office shouldn’t exist, let Bezos take that over

They literally do. You can go and post what you did on /leftypol/ or even the Commie Generals that pop up here and be smeared as a reactionary, revisionist or capitalist.

The strawman argument is right because it is based on the rather laughable tendency of leftists to splinter into a thousand winds and go into their own ideological asses to the point of delusion. Does happen on the right as well, but rightists at least can more often unify.

Do you even understand the history of your own ideology? I reject it but still find it interesting how ridiculously divergent it is. Welles and King Camp Gilette, and all the silly commie strands, etc.

See user. Even in your own thread you get a socialist mocking you.

I only want USPS to fail so I can buy all the cute mail trucks

Thank you for confirming this is a shitpost.

I think those are mostly gone by now. They use the ugly soulless European Sprinter vans these days.

How are you going to deliver physical mail and packages digitally?

I don't know about your end of the country but there's about 40 park a little bit down the road from me. They're pretty popular in the south east and you can often find them for sale in rural mail carrier groups. Very rarely do they come up on gov deals

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