If white European males are founders of civilization

Why are indians needed for maintenance and doing the needful??


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because founders found and vortas vort

We are the oompa loompas of the human race unironically

I think we're the best humanity has to offer

Jews needed big nosed negroid subhumans with sociopathy that wouldn't go against them to replace themselves as useless managers of their shitty businesses.

Jews also think this way and many other garbage people.
Even some brazilians say this sort of nonsense sometimes, despite the obvious.

That would be nords
We're Aryan


Whites are low IQ. They are also unreliable druggies with countless affairs

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Bump to keep the White "men" down

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What have they ever done for us .??

Looney "people"

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The majority of them loot, murder and rape our ancestors and claim greatness from the select few Whites who actually innovated the world. They're all larpers that are dying out

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>Why are indians needed
They aren't. This is a direct result of tech companies hiring cheap Indians, and Indians subverting the companies from the inside by being fiercely nationalistic. Whites can't do the same because it's illegal, and leftists pretend that it's also immoral.

>and claim greatness from the select few Whites who actually innovated the world.
That too they stole sir !!!

Even animals don't trust white for some reason

you literally shit in designated roads

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Not an argument

>Says irrelevant "White" country #32
Finland will get BTFO in a war against India. Sit down child

>can't figure out plumbing
>this is not an argument against my people's intelligence

Indians are pseudo intellects. They sound smart but in reality they are fucking retards

trusting India to report statistics correctly.
Proves that white people are more likely to reach out for help with their mental health issues. Also US population is majority white.

Surprised an Indian does not understand statistics. Got to try harder sir.

when poos get uppity i just tell them to go wash the shit off