Blue wave is here

Turns out most people want a functioning democracy.

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elections are fake

>democratic primary

"I hate working at the fake cock factory," Bob said to Terry, "these freaks ain't right." It was Bob's first week on the job, and he was not adjusting well to his new environment.

"Not so loud man, you can't say that shit anymore" Terry whispered back, nudging his discontented coworker with his elbow.

"I don't fucking care. I spend all day stapling synthskin to a blood-filled balloon, and I think the manager wants to fuck me in the ass with one of these things." Bob had reached his breaking point, and was ready to stand up on the assembly line and tell the rest of the factory how he felt when a klaxon blared to a flashing red light. A voice came over the PA


"Aww man Bob, you really done it now." Terry had been through this before, but Bob was new, and had no idea what was in store for all of them as a result of his transgressive thinking. "They're gonna bring out The Bull, and you're first in line."

"The Bull?"

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>Democrat wins democrat primary
How will we ever recover?

Horrible visions rushed through Bob's increasingly anxious brain.

"Don't worry buddy, it's not as bad as it seems. Just close your eyes, and it'll be over soo.."

Before Terry could finish the word, the fattest, blackest, smelliest Hottentot of a tranny you've ever laid eyes on burst through the doors, swinging the Lacerator Deluxe between Xim's legs.

"That thing ain't gettin anywhere near me, you faggots! I'm from Nebraska! I quit!"

"You signed a contract sugar, and that slur just cost you another five minutes in heaven. Prepare to meet God." The Bull stomped

Bob knew The Bull was right, and that leaving now would void his contract. Not only would he not be able to afford his Fortnite Plus subscription without this job, but the Floydbot's - which had replaced conventional police forces decades prior - would consider him a wanted man. There was only one way out. Bob grabbed his staple gun and shot it directly into the base of his skull, killing him instantly.

Terry looked down at his new - and now former - coworker's body, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I still gotta get fucked in the ass, dickhead. Thanks a lot."

The End

you're posting in a bait thread, retards

The only way Florida Governor is not DeSantis is if he is President.

>the blue wave of cope is here

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oh wow a democrat won in a democrat primary?
sage this slide shit

>primary election
Democrats truly are retarded
You retards have been watching the news religiously for the last 6 years and you still don't know how the government works at a basic level. 1 Year here and you'll understand how it all works.

Is he the guy who had a gay prostitute die at his house or whas that someone else?

>says stupid shit
>1 post by this ID

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also see

OMG THE HECKING DEMOCRAT PRIMARY. OP, I would normally think this was a shitpost but I know for a fact you thought this was the general election.

This is now a thread about my microstory LABOR RELATIONS

Charlie Crust is a faggot, good luck beating the Top Gov, Chad DeSantis

So...was there not supposed to be a democratic runner? Was De Santis gonna run unopposed? I dont understand the purpose of this thread.


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>want a functioning democracy.
Yasss Kween! More Niggers doing whatever they want with no consequences!

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They're a non-american shill that has no idea how our government works

I should sage this 300 times, clean this shit up jannies for fucks sake

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baiting, shilling, it's all the same really. functionally, there's no difference between the two. one just gets paid to do it.