The Black Problem

The blacks are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe.

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of niggers.


I strongly suggest you view, learn and *share* the document available here: or (HTML format, website)(mirrors)(recommended) (PDF format, 48 MB)(recommended) (DOC format, 102 MB)
(67 pages with infographics, lulz, and more)


The jews own the governments and media in the west.

The jews use their power to pass anti-white laws, run anti-white media, censor black crimes and intensely promote miscegenation and LGBT.

The jews are funding massive illegal migration in USA and Europe.

Jews genocided 60 million people, fabricated the holocaust as a distraction, framed Hitler as the bad guy, and then took over the education system to prevent people from finding out.

Jews and niggers are the oppressors, not the oppressed.


We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments.

Don’t count on getting the right president in, the elections are not in the hands of the people.

It takes over 3 whites worth of tax, per nigger on average, to pay to keep them alive. Jews are paying for their nigger army using your money.


The nigger problem must be brought to everyone’s attention until it is fixed.

Whites are being punished for acting too civilized and not fighting back.

Any diversity laws must be repealed and anti-racism must be abolished.


Anyone who is racist against whites must leave the country.

If someone dislikes this topic, they’re anti-white.

Putin is a Christian and Zelensky is a jew.

If you wonder why USA randomly hates Russia, it's because the jews are anti-Russian.

->The website version is being DDoS’d, see which mirror works.

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Imagine being an AnCap and not liking Goldwater.

Not all jews bud.

How are black preventing this from happening? I can understand Jews to a degree, but why blacks? Having low IQs doesn't mean the opposite of having anything. If you look at black communities in Africa they literally have what's described in OPs pic but just a lower standard.

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Just tell them about brazil and the wonders of diversity


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Good morning ancap

You also try to use your victim mentally in the context of evil whitey (who will never get anything fo’ free by playing the victim), and many other clues show thwt you are a negroid.

Evil whitey?

Whitey isn't evil, that's a jewish scam.

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>black problem
If some kike keeps bringing termites into your wood house, you don't have a termite problem. You have a kike problem.

Evil is only a term that applies to jews, and various different kinds of niggers.

Actually you have both a termite problem and a jew problem.

You can't say that if a jew lights your house on fire you only have a jew problem, because your house is on fire you also have a fire problem.

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So you'd need two different solutions for each problem?

Well if you only get rid of the jews, then your house will burn down.

If you only get rid of the fire, then the jews will light it on fire again.

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I see, do the solutions need to be equal in severity? Most people agree that you have to kill the jews. But do you think blacks also need to be killed, or could they simply be harshly oppressed (controlled)

The question is whether the blacks would want to live in a society where they're slaves or would they rather move back to africa.

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I wouldn't mind being a slave. I quite enjoy living in service to others. And Africans hate american blacks. They'd most likely get killed and eaten. Or extorted.

You cant put out the fire until you shoot the kike with the flamethrower.
I understand the raging inferno concerns you, but the jew is not hiding in an alley with a can of gas and a match, hes in your living room with a fucking flamethrower. Niggers can wait. Like women, they are easily controlled if we have control of our society and selves

Niggers are a bioweapon

Na the jews aren't spraying niggers around out of thin air.

If you get rid of the niggers it would take the jews a long time to get more niggers to take their place.

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Last time they were killed. Liberia (named liberty after our US ideals) was a shining bastion of growing civilization in africa, the niggers who went back had clearly learned from us.
Unfortunately for them they were horribly unprepared for the jungle mobs that arrived and murdered them all, transforming the only black civilization into another african hellhole

That's why I wouldn't mind being a slave here in the US. Because I don't want to go try to improve Africa when they can't even help themselves.

Niggers are weird because you have so many that the jews control that can't be rehabilitated, and then you have those that are against jews but end up getting killed by other niggers before they can start anything. Also aren't jews just importing them now?

Without jewish controlled media and jewish imported drugs and jewish controlled criminal gangs the niggers would be easily controlled. They would still need to be dealt with but they dont have capacity to organize or operate as a group without top down jewish organization.
If you live in a city you may not believe me but really niggers are easily controlled. Like animals. The key here is that niggers are almost entirely kenneled into places with 0 resources, and they already can barely feed themselves in a ripe orchard.
By the way, they absolutely can be domesticated. Dont let the anger and hate of watching the animals feed on the corpse of your nation fool you, they were half tame when the kikes first came here.
Even our people have succumbed to jewish kikery and faggots are like 40% of the youth, no one questions the equality of women, etc. If whites cant resist, how could simple niggers?
They dont deserve hate or genocide. We just need to deal with jews and then address the nigger issue with honesty insteading of pretending they have the capacity to anticipate