Based Biden

Based Biden

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That’ll help with inflation

Look at blonde whore cant wait to watch the conservatives chimp out today about this it will look so bad on them KEK

lol didn't you read... that's racist as most niggers have > 50k in student loans while whites have ~10k.

It will help fight recession

300 billion. Incredible.


Attached: download (37).jpg (300x168, 6.57K)

>cost 300 billion
Closer to 900 billion in all reality. Also opens up the cookie jar, this will directly accelerate the downfall of the nation.

How much have we sent to Ukraine?

Bush/Obama spent $8 trillion on Middle Eastern wars and no one really bats an eye on that


Wonder what the strings will be

10 k won't do shit.

well this country is so fucked that this is just a drop in a bucket
enjoy your free bidenbucks if they come (kinda doubt) and perhaps do a little trolling and try to recive this money even if you never went to collage
Idk how this works but whatever

Works for me. I have $10.5k in debt. Haha.

Since 2004 We got over a trillion tied up there easy

that'd cut my debt in half :o

what they aren't telling you is most people won't qualify and you have a short deadline to apply.
also if its the same paperwork for public workers from a few years ago: shit was irritating tedious and difficult.

t. someone who pays attention

That's getting out of control too. 1 billion here about there wasnt a big deal, it's almost weekly now. It feels great knowing my taxes are helping everyone but me! We're unwilling philanthropists

>we're doing such a great job we have to literally pay voters for their votes

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Only doing this because the peasants were about to revolt with all this pornographic spending on Ukraine

You have to pay capital gains on it lmao

they stole millions of barrels of oil and still stealing.

It’s better than nothing

Over 20yrs. Biden's adding $300B the national debt with the snap of his fingers.

Dema losing midterms that badly that they actually have to keep a promise now?

lol lmao even


this kek
btw watch as more people get raided by irs for doubious tax fraud claims

Thanks Biden. Also end compounding interest. I’ve been accruing interest for 13 years and finally hit principle in January

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Deleting fake money is deflationary, dumb boomigger.

Holy shit you made a terrible decision taking that much out.

come on man! so now we reward people because they take loans with no idea how to repay it?

The minimum it will take for me to not riot would be no payments due until 2024, $10k+ forgiveness, and removing all of the interest including retroactively. Bare minimum. If he deletes 50k I'll be satisfied.

If it's just 10k everyone will be pissed on both sides.

>Based Biden
why did i repay my loans?
i'm so stupid

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If they are actually doing this they are being very quiet about it.
The only thing on the schedule for today is the normal press conference.

Who are you fooling. You're not gonna do anything

What a retard, I bet you don't even make half my income and I never set foot on a college campus lmao

Joe Biden is just hitting his stride. He's feeding millions of weary traveller's pouring into America and he's rock solid on transgender freedom and integrity for children. Shine on Mr President, the world is watching as you inspire a generation!

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YWNBAW and I'm going to use cash more now.

It's weird how pol doesn't support higher education of the young. Pol just loves giving thousands of dollars to Jewish universities and banks and getting the young into lifetime debt to those banks. It proves Pol just loves to play contrarian and doesn't actually have any unique thoughts of it's own as a whole.

The fake money has already been spent you fucking troglodyte.

I just don't understand why people don't see through this as a flagrant bribe. Do you guys think it is just coincidental that this happens near midterms? Its times like these, I am vindicated in my hatred of democracy and the American people. Absolutely no principles.