Red Wave = Terminated

how did Republicans fuck this midterm up so bad?

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New York State is a ballot stuffing allowance State

Oh good.
The party who believes that proper pronoun usage is the greatest challenge of our times has won.
Happy sappy.

They tried to ban sex and took away the dead babies. This is making women and college kids vote in massive numbers.

NY state is absolutely fucked bc of NYC.

If you think that democrats aren’t going to sweep midterms and also win 2024, you’re a fucking idiot


hold on a minute, I thought Biden winning the general election despite losing the majority of bellwether counties proved those don't really matter to predict the outcome. Now they do again?

Wait so they’re acknowledging the existence of bellwethers again? After Biden lost 95% of bellwethers but somehow won the election (never happened in the history of US elections) I assumed they would just memoryhole those. But I guess they’re too stupid to do that properly

Yep, after Scranton Joe brought down Trump's gas prices and taxes, they will probably sweep all houses

Demographics. Staten Island and Long Island will turn blue because of all the conservatives leaving as well (can’t blame them)

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>New York

Welcome to 2022 USA, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.

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They don’t have to memoryhole what people willfully ignore

this was a toss up that voted for both trump, then biden by small percentages. not a huge surprise. it was a close race

>(((new york)))

Impeach AG Garland.

Democrats run on a message of hatred of America and infanticide.

Blue politicians require a lot of security to protect them from the public.

"Rules for thee, not for me" - Motto of the Democrats.

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reminder that it is the media's role to declare election winners

Why are you pretending that this is big?

Bellwether don't mean anything or biden would not of won....can't have it both ways.


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>ny dem wins
wow shocker

>New York
>"How did derpy derpy doo?!"

Kys right now, and stop fucking sliding the board.

These are brand new never before seen bellweathers.

Who cares? Republicans vs. Democrats = Nigger Worshipping Antiwhite Faggots vs. Nigger Worshipping Antiwhite Faggots. Both financed by kikes. Explain what either side has ever done for the white youth. Nothing, that's what. Kys.

>how did Republicans fuck this midterm up so bad?

Two major mistakes.

1. Overturning Roe v. Wade
2. Rallying behind Trump

It's that simple. You can argue on and on and on about the particulars, but it really is those three things. Outside of the right-wing media bubble, the Average American didn't want Roe overturned (and is remembering that its overturn was achieved basically through Republicans cheating two Justices onto the Supreme Court), and the Average American has never supported Trump even before he tried to overthrow the government (lost the popular vote both times) or bitched about the government taking back its own damn property.

Now you can go on and on about how "no but 1/6 was just a normal tourist visit" or "Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional", but the problem is that the Average American doesn't see it that way.

This is nothing Zeldin will still win NY Gov. race in Nov. Democrats faggots are gonna get too cocky.


>1. Overturning Roe v. Wade
LOL Nope.

They'll never lose again. 99% victories forever, everywhere.

The question was how did Republicans fuck up that bad. The answer is that the Average American didn't want Roe overturned and never supported Trump, while the Republican Party did and does.

Tell me where I'm wrong. Go on.