NE Asia General

Is this the only region of the world where you can move and never run into another nigger for the rest of your life? I’m thinking about moving here

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I remember reading about how there are villages so remote that they were visited by outsiders in the 70s or 80s and the people there didn’t know that WW2 happened or even who Stalin was.

Why not just go north in Canada?

> where you can move
you can't, you are not allowed to by the law mutt nigger
we are full

Tuvans are no better than the niggers. They will stab you for no reason.

First nations

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How exactly are you going to move there?
How are you going to get a residence visa?
Are you a child? Do you think you can just show up in a country and stay as you like?

Don’t worry, I’d choose Kazakhstan or Mongolia before your country anyway Alexei

Goddamnit. I made a post a while ago about making an ethnostate in eastern Siberia called the sovereign colonies and everyone just called me a vatnigger

Tuvans dont breed exponentially vlad

Cause everyone thinking it could be a thing is a moron

All mutts are niggers at heart fuck off. Mutt morality is foreign to Asia.

As opposed to staying in our countries and being dominated by cultural marxist and niggers? Ill take my chances in siberia vlad

you vastly underestimate american niggers

>I’d choose Kazakhstan or Mongolia
why does amerimutt thin khe can "choose". you cant just "immigrate" there lmao. retarded iq80 nigger cattle

You can go to Siberia, but you can't build a state there

not our problems.
>im thinking about an ethnostate in the coutnry that i dont belong and that will never let me immigrate
nigger u delusional

we are able to move anywhere if we have money.

I regret not moving to far eastern Russia everyday. Now I will die alone instead of loving a cute Yakut wife.

>I remember reading about how there are villages so remote that they were visited by outsiders in the 70s or 80s and the people there didn’t know that WW2 happened or even who Stalin was.
I remember reading something similar

Just because you russians are too culturally and technologically backwards to do it dosent mean actual white conservatives couldnt, with modern technology and smart planning we could turn these empty frozen lands into a superpower while you drink and kill yourselves into extinction although i wish that wasnt the case, russians are strong and make good allies but they are dumb/petty as rocks, i guess thats the reason theyre so resistant to globohomo brainwashing,


You deserve it for your lack of drive.

You can't even fix your own excuse of a life, let alone build anything functional. Don't try to leech off of the achievements of other people, you personally can't build shit even in a 1st world country that safeguards every citizen in everything they do you still somehow managed to fail life. Stay home, vermin, you will not survive anywhere outside of your basement dwelling.

Youre telling me you wouldnt want 10s or 100s millions of Europeans from around the world defecting and joining the russian military?

it’s still true. won’t be for long. understand that burgers who move to hard places are the good ones. the fags and shitlibs are all going to Mexico, EU, or Thailand

you are obviously a vpn fag

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nobody likes aliens, especially russians. doesnt matter if they are european or have money.

We will fucking try vlad you bitch, we only have to come together and try, if we fail we fail, but i think we can do it, we only need to spread the idea and let it propagate and become popular , we need a permanent thread

>we could turn
nobody will let you in, you are delusional fag who thinks locals would liek to share anything with you. you are ultra delusiona lif you think they will share the most improtant thing(the land) with you). stay in your containment zone nigger. or move to friendly coutnries like south america

Tы тyт нaфиг никoмy нe cдaлcя, ypны cын

Hopefully they’re all vaccinated and boosted to stop the spread. And wearing masks.

Didn't they see a zeppelin once and think it was a sky demon.

Try leaving your mom's house first and finding a job instead of wasting your miserable life here. Maybe she'll stop crying herself to sleep every night then.

Tbh, i think your government would if we brought enough to the table, but i understand if you feel like youd be outcompeted

you are dumb, our country is made of different "alien" nations. If you dont like anyone else than pure-blooded russians (if such thing even exists) this is only your problem, the rest of the federation is based on different nations, traditions and languages. Foreigners are more than welcome if they dont violate our constitution and want to live a normal life here.

I would like to see more migrants from US than from Tajikistan.

Siberian natives and Canadian natives are relatives.
Pretty much the same garbage.

Ill gladly take your place on the frontline in Ukraine, stay home, eat your blinis and we'll do the hard work for you

You want more ethnic republics within Russia? And one full of disfunctional delusional incele on top of that? Gonna be a real neat investment into "human" capital for sure