Imagine being in europe and spending a quarter of your paycheck on your electricity bill

imagine being in europe and spending a quarter of your paycheck on your electricity bill

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kek, more like 50-60%

Not my problem

>be american
>get shot

either live in a paradise and get taxxed to hell and back

or live ancap hell hole with guns and mafia

White americans don't really get shot.
That's mostly a nigger problem.

>cost of goods and services rising (namely electricity)
>german industry all move elsewhere because electricity is too expensive
>wages consequently plummet
>tax revenue consequently plummet, less public services
>more migrants keep entering so rents keep rising
oh no krautbros we got too cocky

How much does cigarette pack with 20 cigarettes cost in the US?
Right now, due to taxes mostly its bit over 9€ here

>imagine europe.
no one cares about europe, why are you even bringing that cuck shit up?

Also tell me whats the cheapest beer (4,3% percentage or around that) that you can find in your store? Tell me the cost per liter
Here its 2,55€/l

it varies wildly from state to state.

it varies wildly from state to state, kind of like your prime minister.

Then gimme your example. Surely you've bought beer before at least? Pretty sure the prices there are pre taxes so just looking at the prices in the store wont tell the real price

imagine being in europe and spending the next 20 years paying off your medical bill

Imagine being in america and risking going into poverty every time you have an even minor surgery.

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less than 5%.

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>America has way more suicide than Nordics
Welp thats a new thing I learned. Very surprising

>39 years old
>still waiting for someone to get shot around me

Any day now.

yeah that would suck, luckily I only pay 40 a month

I smoke dope, dude. beer is for boomers that LARP as conservative but are just liberal.

imagine being a mutt

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I lost my job

probably suicide this year or death from starvation

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mutts are cringe

yeah but no one cares about europe. thats just sad mutts have more power in this world than those who created it.

Fuck alcohol, prefer weed as well

literally the only way for europe to hold on to attention is forcing communism on the west. thats actually bananas.
wanna play some morrowind? I got mods installed and ready on the mp server.

I live in Canada and pay 90% of my paycheck on rent but it includes electric and heat. Yeah, Canada sucks, if you want to live in a building safe enough to not have to deal with gangs and drug dealers every single day you need to spend this much money to live in buildings with security.

The number 1 marxist nation on earth is America. Nrodic style social democracy itself is pretty close to national socialism

>This whole post

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14 dollars in Chicago