Do americans really deserve this?

do americans really deserve this?

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The Jews need food, user.

its healthy

SLIDE thread folks, Sage and hide! Don't bump this!

>Who should I trust
>Doctors with years and years of research and medical study that says circumcision is a proven health benefit
>Or Any Forums who says that circumcision is a jewish device to make lotion or some shit
Please use your heads and common sense, you sound like fucking insane schizos, no ones cutting off dick skin for the fun of it

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foreskin eater detected

I wish doctors let me keep my excised foreskin to chew on when teething. I think that would be a fair compromise

Nobody ouyside America cut his foreskin without religion reasons. You are sick in the head

>Who should I trust?
>4 billion years of evolution that says you probably need some skin protecting this incredibly sensitive part of your benis
>or Jews

reported and saged

>what "trust the experts" does to a mf

Yes, they are slaves and should suffer like slaves for their masters

It's never bothered me or anyone other than closeted internet faggots.

Additionally, female circumcision looks better also.

It may seem strange, but in countries like Mexico and Colombia it is generalized that the upper class is circumcised as a means of differentiation from the plebs (like the Anglos did in the past).

It's what separates us from the animals


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Foreskin is ugly caveman inferior penis. Women drool for cut cocks.

Foreskin = incelskin

Repent and turn to Christ, who was cut like a diamond like all cutbros.

Have you tracked down the doctor who circumcised you and ask him to apologize?
Its the least he can do.

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> T. Assblasted foreskinless mutts

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I want to beat the shit out of my parents for getting me circumsized. Fucking Jew loving niggers