Little girl shot and killed yesterday

This happen in anyone else cunt with gang wars etc

Attached: BFCE4EC9-30A9-4FF3-BB4D-297759E50924.jpg (1020x771, 382.15K)

That must be Liverpool Ohio. Drivebuys are common all throughout Ohio. Plus Liverpool is near the famous infamous Youngstown Ohio. Bloods Crips and the mafia are still things there.

That's sad. A lightbulb just died in my soul. Soon it will all be dark and I will lose myself. God help the world if that should happen.

sounds like she won teh lottery

No that’s uk mate lol u not know where Liverpool is lol

U know she is from Liverpool go listen to their accents lol they sound nothing like that bro

Yah I just read the article its not U.S Lmao. I had just assumed. Well it's sad this little girl lost her life sounds like Liverpool got fuckwads like we do here in the U.S.

I say we all get armed and we ALL carry our weapons on us. Motherfuckers will think twice before robbing and and breaking into homes. I already do im just suggesting you do to.

You mean East Liverpool?

Yah East Liverpool I was wondering why East was left off the picture. I realize now it ain't ohio. Still sad this little girl lost her life


Guess bongs have to go and make guns even more illegal.

Looks like disarming the people is doing you wonders over there, too bad some brave bongs with kitchen knives weren't able to protect her.

Do you bongs have any other channels? It's always channel 4 with you people

Lucky only the good guys have guns in the UK

>guns are banned
>people are defenceless

Whites are getting executed


She said the n-word


Oh no, he's gonna eat an extra hamburger

Part and parcel

Isn't the Mayor of London an Arab?

My sympathy and concern isn't what this girl needed, nor other British girls, she needed her countrymen to defend her.

And, not necessarily from the attacker as he burst through her door, but her safety was jeopardized by the fact her country had been invaded and her countrymen did nothing about it.

Her countrymen did nothing as thousands of British children were raped by foreigners; and for salt in the wound, the police of their own society built by their ancestors, chose to not do anything about it because they didn't want to appear "racist".

Let me get this straight, foreigners raping and murdering thousands of British children still isn't as bad as being a "racist"?

A label can either be a badge of honor, or a weakness to be exploited.

What winds me up is i know it was a White man but wish it wasnt so we have more Whites angry at foreigners. What brings me solace is the gangsters in Liverpool are the only ones that are capable of doing anything with illegal immigrants. Poor kid, rest in peace, mate.

Norrarf buh the ol bill not letuz defend oursens proppa lyk. ACAB ANAB AIAB AJAB ATAB et al

but the uk doesnt have guns. you guys need to be 25+ to buy a plastic spoom

No whites

Scousers aren’t human. Who kills a 9 year old girl.