Live in america

>live in america
>die on a 4 lane stroad in a high speed accident killing you and your children instantly
>can't afford a home to raise kids so constantly in debt instead of just a comfy flat in europe
>can't let your kids go outside because of stroad suburbia
>can't bike anywhere or walk anywhere without getting shot or ran over by a car and made into red paste

>meanwhile kids in netherlands bike everywhere and play outside
>meanwhile parents in netherlands can afford rent and food

Why is America so third world and why do mutts cope CONSTANTLY. Who would want to live in safe and peaceful netherlands anyways?

Attached: 1660450378439633.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

when she says she wants to sex

Why haven't you died in one yet?

Forgot to change your flag, retard.

What a stupid simp thing to say no wonder you only have worthless fake attentionwhores over there

>anything I don't like is communism!
>americans possibly can't criticize and hate their own country!

Newfag, check the archives

America is the richest country on the planet by a mile. It is not easier to earn money anywhere else in the world.

Yeah check the archives for how communists always revert to
>everything I don't like is communism!
just like every stupid communist slogan that has ever existed.

The money doesn't matter when apartments are $1200 and gas is $5. Tell me exactly what are you getting in america that isn't in china or russia. All I hear is cope. America doesn't even have the luxury where its citizens can walk outside KEK

lol maybe take off your proxy first or just move to russia or red china and blog about how much better it is

Attached: 1593212643157.jpg (708x533, 68.27K)

$1200 is affordable even for a minimum wage employee. The quality of your house is incredible, too, compared to the dirt shacks you'll find in many other places. It isn't free unfortunately, and you do have to earn it.

still not getting the vax

If you knew this copypasta you know I've posted it with an american flag since day one. Cope and seethe. America will be communist. Russia will win, China will win.

>is affordable
>have to give up 70% of your entire life and all you make just to live somewhere

So why are you not moving to Netherlands?
Why are Dutch moving to your country?

Maybe you are full of shit?

You don't always post on flag boards, but thanks for confirming.

Perhaps you'd like to tell us how to build high quality houses for free? They really cost $1200 a month, you aren't being scammed.

KEK memeflags think they make any sense

I have the same flag you do, stroadie.


I'm not sure what you're saying. I understand you don't want to work and want to be like the people you see on TV, but you aren't allowed.

how many finnish people move to america? That's right exactly zero. No one from netherlands that's normal is moving. Just faggot farmers that are going to go out of business because of emissions and being forced to farm basedbeans and vegetables instead at less profit.

profit is evil

We've all got problems bro, Jesus is giving me heart attacks lately, I'm just so fuckin sick all the time thanks to him

>US flag isnt a memeflag