How do you define righteous violence?

How do you define righteous violence?

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violence in service of a good cause, like killing nazis

Is the inherent injustice of murder dispelled if it's done for the right cause?

Its only murder if they are innocent and therefore there is no injustice

Like if I give someone every chance to repent of their evil but they're adamant about harming me, and I rise to my own defense then that is righteous - I wouldn't even call it violence.

And it doesn't matter if it's socially approved of or if the government approves of it or not, if someone goes out of their way to harm me and I defend myself that's not immoral in any way.

16But as for the towns of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you must not let anything that breathes remain alive. 17You shall annihilate them—the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites—just as the Lord your God has commanded, 18so that they may not teach you to do all the abhorrent things that they do for their gods, and you thus sin against the Lord your God.

>violence in service of a good cause, like killing nazis
That should read: "violence in the service of God's cause, like killing Nazis."

anything painful done to leftists

>like killing nazis
so you're saying there's like 10 old men left on the planet who it's okay to kill?
what about the fact that there is literally slavery all over the planet and people like you think that slavery is illegal so it doesn't exist outside of your aquarium?
should ignorant retards be killed for the greater good?

Killing kikes and niggers by the millions.


>when the whole world recognizes good as good, that is in itself evil
Define a good cause. What happens If you kill for a cause you believe is righteous but only YOU hold that belief. Or, let's say you get killed by someone who believes they are doing it for a good cause but YOU do not. Is it still righteous?

Killing in self-defence, defence of the innocents or to destroy servants of the Great Satan empire a.k.a the United States of America.

Then you are a schizo and need to take your meds, it's simple, just listen to the educated experts it's their job to figure this stuff out, not yours

>my meda only work if you take yours
Schizos outperform educated experts nine times out of ten
Trust me, I'm a schizo

you have to realize you're talking to a psychopath
these people that constantly talk about spreading love and equality want to kill you for no reason
the only reasonable thing is to kill them first

I think innocence is more of a spectrum than a binary

Correctly harming a person.

Rule of Law > Law of the Jungle.

It's what separates us from the animals.

artyom do you realize that we have nothing against you guys at all?
it's our jew media that constantly blames everything on russia
we just want cheap gas and to not hear about fucking ukraine for 2 minutes but biden won't give us any peace

Killing those who are objectively evil.
What is objective evil? Thats subjective :^)

Thread go slidey slide

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Christfags thinking they’re special.

Violence towards things I don't like.

Slaughtering those who try to kill love itself

wtf is this? plz tell me its fake. if not then I need some context.

i needed to read this

You would die crying knowing you betrayed and genocided people on a lie, like my gramps who helped with the Dresden bombings.

nvm found the original this is fake lol. Got excited for nothing

You're all going to find out soon

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Self defense is righteous.

aggression - The use of force or coercion in compelling one to give up or do something against ones' will.

Defense - The use of force in stopping aggression.

Theft, rape, murder, hostage taking, are evil in and of themselves thus objectively evil.

Faggotry is not okay.

righteous violence and anger comes from only God. anything else is usually idoltry and other passions.

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I'm glad that it's fake, honestly. What a way to go

no. if you take away someone's ability to repent then you will answer for that. no exceptions.

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