Based Biden. Looks like MAGAts were wrong again

Based Biden. Looks like MAGAts were wrong again.

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MAGAts are about as retarded as it gets

>Biden is based for doubling gas prices because of a war he started

It's $3.29 for me, trumpkeks BTFO yet again

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As your site dies, do you get paid for being your own reply guys? /tag/

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I haven't purchased gas in years lmao

I'm kind of starting to like Biden

>up $2
>somehow this is a good thing
>when other states had regular gas for fucking 99c again where that 99c was _still_ 40c of fucking state + federal taxes
no ones buying your gaslighting. it would only ever work if people had no memory.

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>it’s ONLY 3.29!! the already inflated price from January 2022
>still over a whole fucking dollar higher than the day trump left office

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That's some 4D chess move right there.

Next decal should say:
>4 more years of Joe
Joe loses the re-election
>ban assault weapons
Assault weapons newer get ban
>never return to the gold standard
Gold Standard gets establish
>protect Israel at all cost
Nuke Israel

It was $1.19 for me two years ago.
It's still too damn high. After spending months shifting the blame from bidung, saying he doesn't control gas prices. Now he gets all the credit for prices going down a little bit after it's still almost 3 times higher than it was before he stole the election.

>what is the SPR
democrats are literally retarded

>dump strategic reserve
>dilute gas with ethanol and who knows what
We did it biden brooos

>US on the road to energy independence
>Biden takes over
>Cancels everything, forbids fracking, shuts down pipeline projects
>Prints money nonstop
A year later he blames the economy on a war in Europe, and now that things are getting better DESPITE him, you shill about how the other side are somehow btfo’d by the situation.

Fucking embarrassing.

Isn't he selling off your strategic oil reserves?

this deserves a gold pepe. anyone got one to spare?

Yes. That is for when there is NO oil. He sells it to the CCP for a quick buck and a 1% boost in poll numbers. No one even knows how much coal we're sending to china right now either. The coal cars going into the ports of san fagcisco are nonstop.

Biden is emptying our strategic reserves and it’s still above when he took over. Wait for it. September is looking to be rough. But don’t worry he printed more money to fight inflation, raised your taxes and hired 87k new IRS agents. You know you need 87k agents for the 614 billionaires that call America home

Just wait until after December. Kek

6 months of gas released from US strategic reserve. Started in May. Runs out in November, right after the elections.

We're going to $10/gal before Christmas, senpai. I guess after Republicans sweep the midterms, Dems can take consolation in blaming the GOP for the gas price jump.

>still up 40%

yes and he recently green lit the largest lease of off shore drilling fields ever in US history because Democrats really care about global warming goyim stop noticing things

yeah I thought gas prices were globally set but now somehow Joe has fixed things all by himself what's up with that shills