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communists literally are slavers and exploiters so he appears to be stuck in a web of circular logic

lol ok commie

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yikes, imagine the mental gymnastics...


Commies are fags and jews, prove me wrong.

Half my family was robbed blind by communism. My grandfather's sin was being a doctor and buying land for his family to inherit.
Communists can fuck off or eat lead.

Edgy tweet he made purely for (You)'s. I really doubt he believes that and is only trying to elevate himself.

workers of the world
unite and kill farmers

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Your family didn’t fight and chose to leave their homeland? You’re jewish, aren’t you?

>Communists can fuck off or eat lead.
Why not both?

All commies deserve death.

you go live in a communist occupied country for 70 years and let’s see if you want to escape retard

OG Commies: We must seize the means of production!
Modern Commies: We must seize the fruits of production!

If Jews "suffered under National Socialism" that says a lot more about them than it does the NSDAP. Good people don't suffer under NS--slavers and exploiters do.

Every member of the 200k Polish military officers killed by Soviets in the Katyn Massacre were exploiters, I guess.

When communism hit the motherland my grandfather became the most aggressive, dedicated, loyal communist immediately. No one could question him. He even won awards for service to the party, and was successful.
The reason he became communist was because he hated communists, so he wanted to rise in power and then report loyal communists, to kill them.
That is what I will do.

It starts off like that. But then everyone starts getting accused of being an "exploiter"

Communists have this obsession with rock quarries. Why and to what ends? Just communists being communists

this has to be a troll. i refuse to believe anyone can be THIS retarded.

man dressed as a woman holding a microphone up to a urinal emblazoned with the twitter logo which is overflowing with rancid shit and piss.