Stupid firebrand bitch thinks she's Pussy Riot for making a career whining about towelheads on Twitter thinks she's hot...

Stupid firebrand bitch thinks she's Pussy Riot for making a career whining about towelheads on Twitter thinks she's hot shit for Congress. Guess who got fucked riding the dick of braindead boomer energy. Just disavow the cunt already.

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Oh no! A vile kikess lost!


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oh yeah, Loomer... she looks like a fucking demon.

remember when we all thought "the moslems" were taking over lol

I'd still watch her sex tape, if its leaked.

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Hahahahaha groypers on suicide watch

She's ugly.

That is one hideous skeksis.

Oh no this ugly dumb grifter will have to find another con

>massive jaw
that is a man.

This, and I do feel like an asshole for hopping on the hate Muslims train. Not that I “like” them now but if you get it you get it

>37k people voted for that thing.
clown world.

>Gosar disavows
>MTG disavows
>Joe Kent won
>Laura Loomer lost

Groyper Jonestown when?

It's rigged. Webster is a RINO. Don't let your envy of Nick clouds your thinking.


The deep state stole it from her
Webster is on their payroll
only a shill would deny

Death to kikes.

Death to kikes

Its a massive Jewish district.
You should've seen the campaign ads.
>You're anti Semitic!
>No, you are!

Another huge win for Fuentes and his incel harem

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yeah sorry that's a no from me

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44.5%? Holy fuck, what a bunch of retards. Conservatives are pathetic.

>It's rigged

>muh deep state


name 10! lets here the NAMES of the Mythical deep state....

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Lol wtf is he endorsing a giga zionist jewish fake christian

I get what you're saying, but at the same time I got all these memes!

plus muslims are going to become an issue again now that the west is lead by pussies

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Thought the deep state was nameless until I realized they are all household names. Fuck Bernie sanders