Why doesn't everybody who dislikes woke current year media just start their own parallel industry where they make shit...

Why doesn't everybody who dislikes woke current year media just start their own parallel industry where they make shit as if the past 20 years never happened? Why is it so hard to just make some non-woke video games and sell that shit? As long as you resist making it actively reactionary, shouldn't you be able to sell the shit out of it to anybody except the actual literal trannies who won't feel represented?

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Are you saying that you literally need the Jews to make these things? You can't get a loan without proof of wokeness? What exactly do you mean?

Creative projects are typically financed by production studios, not banks. Studios aren't interested in a project unless it has woke themes. They're the ultimate gatekeepers, they might deny you up front but they can also control your progress, exercise creative control during the creation phase, or withhold marketing funds after it's done.
Here's an example, American History X was made by a thoroughly pozzed Jew, but it just wasn't pozzed enough, with the original cut making Danny's transformation into an anti-racist look futile. So the studio took it from the creator after the premiere, recut it, and released it on its own terms.
These days, companies like YouTube can exercise creative control simply by diverting attention to some creators and not others.

I see. So why does EVERY STUDIO play by the same dumbass rules then?


I knew that was going to be the answer but it isn't very helpful. Literally how does that work? Aren't there individual people at each studio with different ideas about this shit? If they're being controlled, then how?

I can only speculate. I think it's because nobody's a rebel when there's money on the line. If you want to do things your own way you need to be as big as Mel Gibson. And then, you have to choose being a principled millionaire over a compromised multi-millionaire. If there was a "Mel Gibson Network" as big as Universal or HBO, it would be constantly targeted, likely with violence and not just words.
Most people just want to work and retire in peace.

Cuckservatives can't pull themselves away long enough to do anything duh. Just look at Niggerball; there is literally NOTHING they could do that would make cuckservatives stop watching. They're a disgusting slave caste and nothing more.


It takes a lot of money and only jews can print it out of nowhere.

the feds will cite "safety and environmental concerns" and shut you down, with deadly force. Other people have tried. Ruby ridge, Waco, etc...

All distribution channels will remove you for being redpilled. YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Steam, iTunes, etc.

If you somehow manage to get popular despite that they will pull your credit card processing and bank accounts.

Alex Jones fights being deplatformed all the time and he had popularity, money, and power before the deplatforming happened.

The Daily Stormer survives off of Monero and constantly losing their domain name.j8tt8d

Rippa is doing just that and all you faggots cant stop seething about it.

>All distribution channels will remove you for being redpilled.
I'm not even talking about being redpilled, I'm just talking about NOT being trannypilled. I'm talking about making shit no different from normal mainstream stuff from the 90s, today. They'd fuck with you for that?

because trannies are programmers while you spend your time on a brazilian fart fetish forum. i am comfortable with woke media its just that they always hire shit writers


The REAL Sam Harris: Jeffrey Epstein's Dark Web

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I got a Viper "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" shirt


They censor 20 year old game remakes. Do you need examples? You can't say anything remotely sexist or negative towards any part of woke culture.

Very based, fren.
I'm not even sexist or racist, truth be told, but this shit is destroying creativity and it's destroying humor. I want my edgelord shit back.

I'm an oldfag. This woke censorship is worse than the 80s satanic panic where moms burned d&d books. White males started figuring out who pulls the strings in the world, and then gamergate led to clown world.

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