Germany: Over 80% of Syrian refugees are unemployed

Germany, which has received over one million Syrian refugees, has great difficulty integrating them into society. According to the German newspaper FAZ, close to 80% of all Syrian refugees live on welfare and do not work. This is shocking, as German companies find it very difficult to find enough people to hire.

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>just raise the wages if nobody wants to work

It's the same here. They are allowed to stay on assistance until they learn English or French then they just never do.

They don't need to work. They just shit out many children as possible and get 300 euro for each child. And there are still thousands of them coming each month. Syrians dominate the asylum seekers here, by far.

This is not something new, the article is from July 2021 and it doesn't look different in your country.
Yea, I know, "le ebin white cucks" and stuff like that, but it doesn't make sense spreading this in our Any Forumstard echo chamber. Spread this somewhere people are not knowing about this yet.

Mulch them.into.fertilizer and use it to blow up the Bundestag.

That's because Northern Europeans discriminate against Arab names on the job market, this has been proven in many studies again and again.


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That's actually incorrect. Oxford University did a study in 2013 which showed that it's because they're 75 IQ retatded goatfuckers who smell like stake piss and are unable to communicate in any way other that throwing rocks and bricks at things.

Fucking go back or let me rape youe hijabi sister.

Damn, it's honestly normal for Arab families here in NRW to have 4+ children. It's brutal when you walk past schools or kindergardens and 80% of the kids in some districts seem to be non-Euro.

We're really going to become Islamicized aren't we?

You bigots are proving my point.

So much for the “hardworking immigrant”

yeah and 19% of the 20% who found employment work for local government in some non-job capacity, no doubt

It's gonna be fucking AMAZING to watch your shithole crumble krautanon. I can't even begin to get enough popcorn together on anticipation

We don't have a benefit system based on the number of children. At least not the way you might make more money if you have more kids. It is limited to 2 children.

no, there won't be space for you at all

Confirmed brown.

Not gonna lie in a way it's comical. WTF were our politicians thinking?

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I think, Germany is actually the last country to fail. They still have a kind of low inflation rate, they have a strong industry, they have the least black people in Western Europe, and they work hard. The first to fail will be the U.K. We are the contrary of all this.

>*import migrants to work*
>*they go on welfare and just cash checks*

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geez, if only you could've predicted that in every single person in the world not brainwashed with the leftist brain virus.

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Ah so these are the hard working migrants that will keep the welfare state solvent?

Just wait until there's so many, your country is a threat till Israel. I wonder if you could destroy a politician in the polls by running a advertisement that shows the target politician boasting about how much he supports Israel.

Eventually the economic leeches will outnumber the European tax base and the economy will collapse. Europeans are already taxed at 60%, will they accept 100%? I don’t think so unless the Great Reset is successful. The economic leeches will go berserk when welfare runs out. They will destroy priceless monuments and artwork. After that no one will have any qualms with Jews eradicating Muslims. The dome of the rock will be destroyed and Greater Israel will be created.

german law

Rofl. Goddamn Germans are so fucking pathetic. Go suck some kike dick, you fucking cucked sissy niggers

Who could have predicted this???

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yeah, but it will also massively destabilize the country, which will make possible al lot of opportunities for all kinds of groups ;-)
You need to look for a way to use this situation for your own advantage

Imagine how many bike paths all this money could've build. There could be paved paths which cut straight through the forrest so that ciclyst can bike in peace without disturbing the flow of car traffic.

They aren't allowed to defy kikes so they weren't thinking at all. Ours are the same way.

>>just raise the wages if nobody wants to work
jewish golem karma for sending them all into Europe always eventually comes back to you

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When will countries learn to not feed the wild animals, they become dependent on it

I heard a shit ton of them work as prostitutes, not fun.

>this is shocking
Maybe to them retarded krauts. We told you so. Picrel is a good refugee policy.

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They will probably all get slobodan milos-evicted to some holes in the ground once they reach a tipping point, where even normie Germans get sick of it.

>And there are still thousands of them coming each month. Syrians dominate the asylum seekers here, by far
How do you say thanks obama in german

Euros can't stop finding ways of screwing themselves up


The REAL Sam Harris: Jeffrey Epstein's Dark Web

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>asylum seekers
just call them what they are instead: race replacers

>Danke, Obamen!

What I wouldn't give for a couple hundred sea mines positioned just south of Malta

they are actors

not sure how it is in the rest of France but damn Paris is 80% Africans, Arabs, and tourists.

Aren't they supposed to help the economy? Oh well actual Germans can pay for their electric bill... And every other bill

so it is true, germans say you won't find actual germans (non pakis) around until late afternoon, because they're all at work

But but but I thought they were like Scottish, Irish and Italian people from early 1900s that migrated to America.

>Germans are working their ass off so 800,000 new muslims who just moved into their country don't have to

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The REAL Sam Harris: A Racist, Bootlicking Grifter

>not sure how it is in the rest of France but damn Paris is 80% Africans, Arabs, and tourists.
Sounds a lot like NYC, except Latinos instead of Arabs.

>they take out business loans for new immigrants to start their own business
>they sell drugs
>they start their own companies to service their own people
>they work illegally without paying taxes
>they contribute nothing to the economy
>they buy up houses and take over neighborhoods
>they vote in their own politicians
>they constantly remind you that you're a fucking racist for being a white man

>like Scottish, Irish and Italian people from early 1900s
to be fair, they are exactly like the Italians.

what i wouldn't give to be a skipper on an armed and crewed sub like that 50s show silent service

No, that claim has been made about immigrants and it's sort of up for debate and depends on the visa requirements. Nobody says you should take in people claiming political asylum to boost the economy. Most countries don't legally allow people to work while applying.