Moving to united states

Hey american anons, i have plan move to the United States but i don't know which states should i move to, can you help me which states that are great to move or states i shouldn't move to.

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You can buy a house for a buck in Detroit :)

We're full.

>can you help me which states that are great to move or states i shouldn't move to.
Washington State is going to look most like home for you.

Thank you :)

NW Ohio, southeast Michigan. Best land in the union. America has harsh weather and this area never gets touched. Good properties, lots of land and the people are pretty normal and up right.


Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit, that dumb motherfucker wants to move to CALIFORNIA

Attached: California-660x660.jpg (660x660, 33.59K)

Other Anons will lie and say anywhere but the real answer: Ohio. Ohio is the hidden gem of the country.

The country is dead wtf are you thinking?

>norway, one of the flags always spamming MUTT MUTT MUTT at us, wants to move here
curious indeed. we're full though, fuck off nonwhite, the USA is for anglo-saxons only

Depends on what you’re looking for climate wise. I’d recommend Minnesota if you’re looking for similar climate, but that’s practically Somalia in the snow at this point so steer clear. Michigan, maybe upper peninsula might be a good substitute. If you’re looking for a change in climate, florida might be for you, but if you want a less degenerate version I would recommend South Carolina. If it’s not an issue either way and just want to generally move to America, I would stay away from metropolitan centers and just go for suburb or rural life. With that being said, fuck off, we are full.

fuck off we're full

Honestly, there’s a lot of landmines to look out for.

I’d day Colorado is mostly safe and North Carolina is looking better as time goes one. And yeah, Washington state not bad. Just research the cities well and you’ll find something.

Atlanta, GA
Detroit, MI
Garry, IN
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA

If you have any IT skills or experience Kansas City Missouri is gonna be the next silicon valley. Texas is getting bent over raw, but after the cali-locusts suck it dry they'll be headed to Kansas City Mo.
Get there before they do and secure your footing. Screencap for when the future proves me right.

You can fuck off you disgusting socialist snow monkey. Last thing this great nation needs is a faggot Scandinavian that will pass out at the thought of private firearm ownership and cheap gas

Then why is 40% (and counting) of the country not anglo saxon?

Fuck off we’re full.

That's is problem. All good places (I enjoy sailing, wakeboarding) are filled with nigger and literally scum. Camifornia, great lakes, jewyourk. It's is a fucking joke. I don't want to live in the desert and it's the only option when you are moving to murica and don't want to live near filth shit
A lot of people shit on Washington/Oregon, but most the states are rural conservative. Oregon is ruined by Willamette Valley (Corvallis, Portland, Salem, Eugene) and Washington by Seattle area. East side of cascades and rural west (including coast can be pretty based.
Oregon has 2 separatist groups (Greater Idaho, state of Jefferson).

Attached: amish-north-america.gif (450x410, 92.61K)

Move to Canada instead, the leafs would love to have you

Chirack is a cool place too

Salem is a lot more conservative than people think.
t. Salemanon

My lawn won’t mow itself and I want my COL cheap. Browns and niggers serve their place at the bottom of the caste system here. White people here don’t work those vile jobs. When they get rowdy, we deport them. Goes in 10 year cycles. Look it up. We’re an empire, not a fagmocracy

We get one white guy moving in and y’all scare him off, fucking hell

New England is the greatest part of the US. Whitest, best gun laws, has the most real men, and the last holdout for the white man. The rest of the US is a pozzed nigger/redneck filled shithole

I don't think new silicon valley will be in the west anytime soon. It dudes don't need to live near headquarters anymore. And all major it manufacturing will be 90% in Asia

You immediately become addicted to heroin upon entrance to Ohio.

America is a lot bigger than it’s metro centers. If you don’t need to live in a city, your suburbs and rural areas are typically good. At least where I live in PA. If I were looking to move to Russia, I would want to avoid places like St Pete and Moscow, but I’m also not a fan of living in the city for more reasons than just niggers.

Come to New England please we need to boost those white people numbers

>never gets touched

The REAL Sam Harris: Jeffrey Epstein's Dark Web

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I don’t give a fuck. Europoors are vile leftist shitlibs, and if I could, I would shoot down every plane and sink every ship coming here from Europe. This is America. The strong Whites came here. All we need to do is deport the browns and gas the kikes. Europe is irreparably fucked because their gay ass citizens are so left.

Can you say more of what you want about weather, people, culture, etc?
Midwest, South, Mountain states, North, Rust belt, West coast all have their own culture. If you hate the heat, there is a lot you want to avoid too.
This might sound odd too, but property prices should fall some as this recession progresses. A lot of migrating around with covid. Some of the best areas are getting mega filled right now.
Idaho and Montana are great states by the way, but a lot of Californians have moved into them in last 10 years. I would still recommend the whole Pacific Northwest of Alaska, Washington (rural), Oregon (rural), Idaho, and Montana.

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