How do we stop men from masturbating?

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not posting porn slide threads is a good start

Give them women to fuck simple as.

Get rid of porn somehow. But you know what they say about once it's on the internet. I just spilled my seed to cum in panties compilations...

Legalize prostitution

well that's certainly not going to help.

Id fuck him

If it's on Any Forums it's a man

that . simply have the government issue a cute girlfriend to every man. this will also solve the question of rape.

Ban porn and mandate circumcision.

wow those are some all time greats

>mandate circumcision.
KYS kike

They have to finish first

imagining this as the Armenian broad from red scare. Wish I was the one that bred her

You cannot suppress a natural instinctual urge, and testosterone build up makes men wish to ejaculate, a woman clearly, but not from pity.
I do believe women should be treated harshly than they are now, they are way too free in their positions, but a woman needs to be able to choose her own partner, because women know what is a good genetic partner to mate with. I do not want my children to grow up in a community of defective and braindead "people".
Eugenics is a very interesting path, but many genetic dead ends here will argue against everything I just wrote

The kike degenerates want boys masturbating instead of growing up into christian men.

You know they sell your foreskin right?
You know that's literal child mutilation right?
>be born in America
>take you fron your mother's arms
>slap you on the ass
>strap you to a table
>cut your foreskin off

take away a wife's right to refuse her husband sex and then marry off all the women to all the men.

sauce me up.

Porn on google search is the porn problem:

The REAL Sam Harris: Jeffrey Epstein's Dark Web

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The internet needs to be strictly controlled. I know that scares a lot of people here but it's our only choice to save humanity from killing itself. Minors shouldn't be allowed online at all outside of academic use. Porn should be banned entirely. Social media should be destroyed and rebuilt in a way that it can never again become what it has turned into. I'm not even necessarily opposed to banning civilians from the internet entirely. Something drastic needs to happen, and soon.

Nigga you gay

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there isnt a cute woman for every man. Some men will have to fuck the uggos.

I am aroused

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What ive learnt that having assbergers,working a sales job and meditating is killing off my sex drive quicker then cold water despite being around attractive women of all sizes and age.

Cold showers help to and kettlebell swings