"Did I know and approve of Trump's home raid? Did Richard Nixon know and approve of the Watergate break-in?"

"Did I know and approve of Trump's home raid? Did Richard Nixon know and approve of the Watergate break-in?"

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Did he really say that? I'd believe it if he said that.

I hope tonight is the night that a secret service agent finally does the right thing and smothers Pedo Pete with a pillow for the good of humanity.

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I'd belieb it

What did Pantsload know?
When did he know it?
How soon after did he forget it?

It wasn’t a raid, faggot.

Wouldn't make much of a difference. I doubt anyone ever asks his opinion about a single thing. They just keep him full of ice cream and get him hopped up on speed every so often so he's able to croak out a few lines from a teleprompter (no questions). We're an occupied country.

watergate was fake

>agents arrive with m4s at the ready
>Wasnt a raid

>What? Over?
>did you say over?
>nothing is over until WE decide it is!
>was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?
>and it ain't over now
>'cause when the goin' gets tough
>the tough get goin'

Attached: Zoom-I-am-your-father.png (544x726, 935.43K)

>when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor

>It wasn’t a raid, faggot.
They modeled Melania’s panties during THE RAID. Who’s the faggot again, faggot?

Why did they steal loot if they weren't raiding? They had sticky fingers.

is there a webm of that yet?

Joe was calling the black judge a rapist when Reagan was claiming he didnt remember ok’ing some central america stuff. Its pretty typical for president with dementia that have someone else doing everything.

silly milley was there? Shiiiet.

Watch more old movies you zoomer


they cucked Reagan almost immediately with the Hinckley activation.

Yeah when your VPs family friend shoots you its hard to ask your VP why he was selling all that cocaine and arming contras.

Was it totally fake or just a nothingburger that they made a big deal out of?

EO 12333 was all George Bush.
Reagan served about 2 or 3 months. the rest was IC.