Politically relevant

Has anyone noticed a large increase in floaters, flashing lights, dimmed vision, or just generally fucked up vision?

Politically relevant since we may have suffered a bioweapon attack, or no maskers might be targets

Attached: Eye Floaters Diagram.jpg (560x420, 136.37K)

no, go to the eye doctor

Yes, since march 2020 and still no clue.
Been at 5 eye-specialized doctors and no one could help me.
Have Mouches voulantes (these floating things) and milky vision.
Also getting headaches when in sun and more and more having a tunnel vision.
Would bet its more related to the mask -> more bacteria gathering your face
Started self treatment with a medical and it seems to help

Wear sunglasses and a hat

you have been staring at your screen for too long, retard.

The shifting black masses and shadows at the corner of my vision have grown in frequency and size. Soon they will leave the periphery. I am ready

Those are worms user, eat a shit load of garlic for a couple weeks.

check for mineral/vitamin deficiencies first before anything else

Go outside, like literally, when i started going out more and not watching a screen all day, my problem with floaters just disappeared


I think you might be pregnant

Shouldn't have taken the vaxx, retard. Enjoy your melting cornea.

Masons that play bullshit games if youre a targeted individual.
They just says come back if you see any more but there's literally too many to count.
Thought it was visual snow, a brain disorder, but the bastard shined a projecto lamp in my eyes and fucked my eyes up for half a year, he focused it with a lens, lost peripheral vision, web floaters broke up from the light, and for a while I became farsighted without my peripheral vision and could see like ahawk for miles.
I lost the ability to see the ALL floaters for months after this, until my vision sorta came back. Develop frequent mild pain after he tried to blind me. Now I still have eye pain and can see floaters again.
Rules out visual static.
I've had multiple eye exams

Yeah, my right eye has been getting cloudy.

Also drink a lot of water

PS for fuzzy vision that is. Floaters are inert torn proteins usually. Amoeba infection if they're moving jellies.

Hey atleast it's not visual tinnitus. My reception must be poor because everything is covered in a fine layer of static. Anyone know a good cable technician?

That's schizophrenia coming online user. Good luck.

Valid point that I need to consider, very valid point.
Thank you for reminding me if this factor, I've neglected it in my analysis of the situation.

>Has anyone noticed a large increase in floaters, flashing lights, dimmed vision, or just generally fucked up vision?
No you're just a boomer with little pussy eyes

Took the vax and three boosters huh?

I'm used to it but I see them against any diffused light source including the sky, microscopes and the bathroom wall by the light

take a whole food fermented multivitamin, and NAC

also read the bible

>every optometrist in the country is a Mason who's plotting to fuck with me, a completely unremarkable nobody who spends his free time shit posting on a hentai website
Ok, maybe you need a different kind of doctor, I don't think the eye-man is going to fix you.

Attached: st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg (600x600, 17.11K)


I didn't, it might be COVID in my eyes :D
Or if a bunch of nomaskers are suffering from this then it could be masons with uv lasers, had a couple masons brag about having them.

>the Masons are shining lasers into my eyes!!!

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40.38K)

Pay closer attention, is the static s shaped?

Op the best way to get rid of floaters is to starve or fast so your body is forced to break them down for energy. I did a 3day fast a year ago and floaters reduced. I recommend starting slowly also you will lose muscle in the process but it works. I am working my way up to a week of water fasting you still need to get salt vitamins. When you stop fasting eat slowly because you're digestive system needs a few days to get back to normal

Under 30

Nope, went through the ringer and (other than high functioning autism) I am mentally stable. Schizophrenia typically appears at ages 20-25 for men and my condition is lifelong.


Yes, It could be from looking at LCD monitor 14 hours a day

Attached: led.png (712x469, 112.99K)