I'm not Christian, but this still pisses me off...

I'm not Christian, but this still pisses me off. Why the fuck should Christians accept a bunch of loser autists into their Church who are only going there because they think their women are easy to get?

What fucking trash advice lmao. Go to church because you believe in rabbi yeshua, not because you are desperate for some pussy.

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>Going to church to pick up women

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>going to church and claiming to be Christian
Church was never intended, nor was organized religion.

I found that gold digging whores often go to church to get their filthy hooks into some gullible mark.

Based gaytheist not infiltrating a church and subverting women and kids

It's actually good advice, and, as a Christian,I would rather see people in church than out of it.

Why the fuck would i wait years and get married just for one pussy

>nonbelieving kikes come marry "our" Christian women

>go to japan to have sex
>go to church to have sex
>go to x to have sex
Losers lose anywhere they go.
Why can't they stop and start winning.

yes my fellow christian brother let us all go to the church but since we'll be too many we will need to make the church bigger. Would you care to donate my fellow christian brother?

Because the public in the west still percieves auctioning their children off to shitskins as the mark of success regardless of religion affiliations.

To be quite honest with you , very few people go to church ho there because they really believe and are looking for the truth. For most it's a social component of their lives , for others its simply a a form of psychological comfort , others go because they grew up in it or have nothing better to do on a Sunday. This go for all denominations really

I see this sentiment pushed so much now by "leaders" in the pro-white poooblic spaze. Western Chauvinist, the local WLM chat, aaayyyyyyytriot Front when I was still in it. Shit is fucking cringe and reeks of desperation and dishonesty.
Do shit for the right reasons motherfuckers, damn. Besides, it won't be hard for actual Christians to sniff out your loser desperation.

these are both very true in my experience. Church girls are way more of a mess than people like the OP will tell you.

I bet I am more religious than you :^)

weird. Are you also into cuck porn? I mean you would rather see someone getting fucked than not getting fucked, right?

Exactly. This is fundamentally the same shit as sex tourism in SEA.

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>I bet I am more religious than you :^)
I bet you're not. I also bet I don't care. Kikes are more religious than any of us. But kikes aren't that much worse than homo atheists infiltrating churches

>no goy don’t seek out ethnically similar females
I met and married my wife at church. I don’t really care about the doctrine or congregation but I have two white kids and a very solid marriage right now. I don’t mind listening to some old dude pontificate for 1hr on a Sunday if that’s the price of preserving a white bloodline. Plus all the women help each other out during pregnancies/emergencies etc. while the men work to keep faggots, trannies, and other mentally ill predators out of the church. The pastor is fairly based for a boomer and served in the military. Obviously not calling for a race war from the pulpit but doesn’t tolerate homosexual and encourages self-reliance and local charity

Cool blog post fellow Christian who isn’t a Jewish

You are the mentally ill predator. What kind of fucking psycho marriage built off feigning faith is solid. You are a cancer and your kids will probably be godless sodomites if your pastor doesnt save your pathetic bloodline

>What fucking trash advice lmao. Go to church because you believe in rabbi yeshua, not because you are desperate for some pussy.

Where else can you meet women like this?

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>only going to church to get pussy. Have fun dealing with the reprobate disguised as a tradwife

Become a pagan instead, and then get involved in wicca / yoga / healing crystal woo-woo circles

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They're all brown in the churches now, if you want a latina or asian you go there

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oy vey ive been found out

nowhere, because those women are acting for a tiktok video you moron

this. Fakeness attracts fakeness.

those women are actually more fundamentally mentally sound in my experience than church girls.

Why do kikes get so angry over whites having white children?

even so, he has a point.
only religious women are proper, non-religious are almost always absolute sluts. i will never marry a girl who is not a virgin. i am not going to take some broken fuckdoll, they will NEVER forget the whorish past, and i will NOT tolerate whorepackage.

women chose to be whores, now they can be and all that comes with it. no man wants a whore or a slut to be his wife or mother of his children.

I started going to my kid's mom's church mostly as an excuse to see my kid and see what it's all about. I keep my head down and try to keep to myself but people keep introducing themselves to me and what have you. It only took a few weeks for some old lady to scare me a bit by asking too many questions to the point that I b-line it out the door after service to avoid socializing... Before I know it that lady's daughter is interfering with my ability to run out the door... they will throw women at you, although I assume you need to dress/act respectfully.

>those women are actually more fundamentally mentally sound in my experience than church girls
Met my girl at a chakraology class
From there we started talking about Deus Pater and the rest is history

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Found the pRedditor
Go Jeremy off to "Science" and get another 4 jabs, by that point you should be so clotted up you won't be able to " fr fr no cap"

they are whores and sluts.
what part you don't understand of that men don't want a slut to be his wife and the mother of his children?

fuck off, now...

This is a boomer take, there are no young people in churches. It’s all elementary kids being dragged there by their middle aged and elderly parents.

you are literally the type of dude that church dads will kill if they see trying to get with their "based virgin daughter".

Good luck sumoivaaaapmatuuvo

they see you as the "safe" yet "bad/exciting" guy. Good job.

>they are whores and sluts.
>church girls are pure
user, I

I'm not apart of a church. A relationship with God is a personal one that doesn't require some intermediary offering his interpretation of the Bible. I pray and meditate in privacy where the only one who hears me is Him.

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Agree wholeheartedly. It's fine to go to church with the hope of meeting someone provided you yourself are a believer. If you're coming to my church because you want to hook up with the girls there you can fuck right off. One of the problems with modern Christianity is that it's become too feminized. We don't need to go back to the days of torturing people, but the Church and its pastors, clergy, even the fucking parishioners need to grow some balls and be able to tell people they're living like degenerates and they need to clean up their shitty lives.

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>go on christian dating site because I might find a handful of diamonds in the rough
>it's almost entirely black women and chinks in their 30s
What the fuck. Where's my nubile young white virgin?

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commonly happens with M(((whore)))mons

All the white girls are into neo-buddhism and other eastern flavours of religion
Its easier to read the Vedas, understand the Aryan religion and then convert these girls rather than try to find the handful of non-cult white Christian girls left

If you join a church, you’ll get friends and a wife. And you’ll find God also.

Christianity is moral herd immunity.

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Its shit advice for other reasons irrespective of the religious one.

No, most people are just unaffiliated with religion in general. Buddhism isn’t some mystical Aryan religion that whites secretly adhere to its a meme for extremely online retards

>feigning faith
How am I feigning faith? I love my wife, children, country and God. I believe that Christ died for my sins. How I choose to believe that and what effect that has on my soul is known only by myself and God. Tell me what I’m missing? I said I don’t care about the doctrines or the congregation all that much. I really need to follow every law to saved or what? No flesh is justified by the law.

I actually did. The male friends were typical church guy pussies with no life skills. The women were similar - complete mental basket cases.

Turns out leading an incredibly sheltered life where you don't face real struggle growing up makes you fragile as fuck. Can't respect that.

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There's no way this would actually work, is there? Sounds like bs to me.
Oh and the whole moral inhabition about doing this sort of thing is stupid. Everyone is faking everything all the time, and only naive idealists believe otherwise. I guess naive idealists are the kind of people wjo really believe in religions in the first place. Churches are full of leaders who don't really care or have ulterior motives... because all institutions are like that.

I'm not talking about Buddhism specifically
But the average white girl is much more likely to be into mystical eastern religious stuff than Christianity
I guarantee you that you'd find far more white girls per capita in some yoga class than in a church

All of the women I grew up with in a conservative church are single moms now. No thanks

The goal is ethnic similarity not moral purity you fag