Stop Complaining About Jews

And formulate a plan to rise above them.
I do not believe that is is "Jews" who are actually oppressing us anyway, you faggots do not have me sold on that.
But regardless, it does literally nothing to sit on in a fucking echo chamber and scream about Jews all day.
If you really think you want to do something about that then figure out a way to redpill normies effectively, they are your real audience.
Its fake and fucking gay and weak, and downright niggerish actually.

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Jews are a red herring, the real enemy is anglo-saxon parasites. They are everything Any Forums claims Jews to be, and even worse.

I will only complain louder now you fucking kike
unless the OP loudly declares that Israel has no right to exist, he is not only a jew, but one working for the JIDF

Odds are 87% this is an official semitic damage control thread

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I honestly do not think the power structure, or mafia controlling things, consider race (religion or people group) as a key factor when gathering accomplices into the conspiracy

the main thing they would look for is IQ, then probably personality, then effectiveness in reality

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who gives a shit

bigger fish to fry geopolitically imho

>And formulate a plan to rise above them.
I do not believe that is is "Jews" who are actually oppressing us anyway, you faggots do not have me sold on that.
But regardless, it does literally nothing to sit on in a fucking echo chamber and scream about Jews all day.
If you really think you want to do something about that then figure out a way to redpill normies effectively, they are your real audience.
Its fake and fucking gay and weak, and downright niggerish actually.

Not every Memeflaggot is a Jew, but every Jew is a Memeflaggot.

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How was i wrong?

Das rite, sandboi ! Itz dem chinkkkz

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So what do we glean from Laura Goldman's opinion here?

>bigger fish
>nearly all money flows route back to stolem desert land tribe

This is why you are not effective at sliding.

High Ashkenazi IQ strikes again

>nearly all money
Never been to Dubai
Is Dubai Jewish?
Is Moscow?
Is Brazil?
Is India?

you are fucking retarded and nigger brained

jews are a tiny population in comparison to the World my friend

There are many places in this World not controlled by jews, if you can believe that.

Not a drop of jewish blood
1/3 German
1/3 English
1/3 Irish/Scottish/Danish

Raised Catholic in Midwest USA, Rural Illinois

First Jew I met was a HS teacher who came from out of town, didn't even realize he was jewish till later

Cool blog post flaggot

Gross Russian jews have to project
It’s a law like gravity

Almost 2 whole posts with out plebbit spacing… good job moshe

>If you really think you want to do something about that then figure out a way to redpill normies effectively
Nice try, rabbi. Normies aren't required for you people to be eliminated.

not my problem

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