Poll: 72% of Hungarians prefer life under Communism


>A remarkable 72% of Hungarians say that most people in their country are actually worse off today economically than they were under communism.

WTF Any Forumssisters? Why would the CIA, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and George Soros lie to me about Communism being "oppressive" and "brutal", when it was actually far better than the current neoliberal regime?

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I don't care

Capitalist pigs explain.

>article from 2010

It's not about communism.
It's about not having jews in positions of cultural power.
Jews are the main problem here.

101% you will never be a woman

>when it was actually far better than the current neoliberal regime?
During Stalin's era?
Maybe but again this was due to him purging the kikes and confining them to the KGB.
And even he ended up paying the price for not annihilating them completely, as they would eventually assassinate him.

Imagine being a boomer in a former soviet state. You finally get free from communism and land in late stage capitalism. The system sucks, but at least our boomers got 50 years of economic prosperity before the jews ran it into the ground.

I'm sure Pew who couldn't get American political polling right has really good contacts in fucking Hungary

He was killed by Beria, who was working for British intelligence. Any Forums always sees Jews behind the scenes, but most of the time it's actually the British doing all the things you're complaining about.

For example, the war in Ukraine is not being led by the United States as you would think, nor by le kikerinos, but actually by the British. The Russian MoD said exactly this just recently.

>He was killed by Beria
Beria was a literal kike.
And he did it due to Stalin wanted to ship all the kikes to their own oblast.

So how is, say, Larry David making a comedy show which, in his case, often pokes fun at "woke" culture, liberalism, and even Jewish American culture, somehow a danger or problem?

Having a parasitic population in control of the culture is a bad fucking idea.
It would take too much effort for me to discuss just how harmful Jewish American media has to been to America and anyone affected by it.

Anything is better than being ZOG and America's butt slave. An all white left wing that kills gays instead of funding them could probably win over some right wingers and hence the high numbers of approval

This man speaks the truth.

Ya my dad talks about it all the time, even tho he unironically left hungary to escape communist censorship. Thing is he dosent miss "communism" he misses having a strong nation with strong borders and a strong sense of cultural self, something thats dying all over europe and the west in general. Also boomers have nostalgia for their youth, thats always a factor

Maybe this is a point against libertarians who believe people would naturally choose their system but as someone who is more authoritarian and had a low veiw on the masses I think this is explained by the fact that most people just prefer the status queue. If America was to become a communist state there would be surveys about how the majority preferred the old system. I imagine too that most Hungarians who lived under the monarchy would say that's the best system.

>communists steal everything
>cccp collapses
>elect communists again
>communists steal everything
>we are worse off today

this is not a country this is a bucket full of crabs

Fake and gay like op’s friends and family

>I don't care
You got assblasted enough to post in this thread, faggot