
Attached: shut it down.png (272x214, 96.06K)

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A fun fact: AOC is a jew that’s literally descended from the jews expelled in 1492 from Spain who then kick-started the North American slave trade
>“One of the things that we discovered about ourselves is that a very, very long time ago, generations and generations ago, my family consisted of Jews,” Ocasio-Cortez said. These are Jews who settled in the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe after the Jewish diaspora. They were expelled from Spain in 1492.

The slave trade was a jewish enterprise. Jews push slavery myths to cover-up for themselves and to D&C the populace.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711~1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

Attached: AOC.jpg (2207x842, 456.89K)

>Be Montel

And they not just ran the transatlantic slave trade, ran the plantations and cotton and sugar industries etc. but also owned a disproportionately large amount of slaves themselves.

In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.

**That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves**

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher (85%+).

There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.

40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So around 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus, at a minimum, well over 20% of all US slave owners were jews, despite being statistically insignificant 0.7% of the population at the time. The actual percentage was likely much higher.

Attached: jews 40-75 slavery.png (1042x592, 552.57K)

Who bought slaves and had them imported to the US? The mega plantations. Who owned and ran the mega plantations? Pic related.

Attached: jews cotton trade.jpg (1089x1431, 494.03K)

Same with the sugar, coffee etc. trades.

Attached: cotton sugar jews.jpg (352x531, 109.25K)

Attached: plantations.jpg (752x239, 98.26K)

Attached: slavery in history.jpg (1402x1049, 277.35K)

Attached: slaves.png (1316x2048, 1.18M)

An entire pristine hemisphere forever torn asunder jewish shekels and power.

Attached: jew slavers.jpg (4770x2654, 1.46M)

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Attached: slave ship examples.jpg (602x436, 103.52K)

Not that the North and South American slave trade was anything new... slavery was ALWAYS at the core of jewish power and wealth.

Attached: roman jews.png (724x556, 74.51K)

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>jews are behind slavery, then blamed on whites
>jews fake holohoax lies, then blamed on whites
>jews are then behind (((civil rights)))
>jews are then behind race-mixing, open-borders and the anti-white agenda
It really makes one think...
>Jews founded some of the most important civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, the ADL, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

>In 1909 Jews found the NAACP. From 1910 to 1940, more than 2,000 primary and secondary schools and 20 Black colleges (including Howard, Dillard and Fisk universities) were established in whole or in part by contributions from Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald. At the height of the so-called "Rosenwald schools," nearly 40 percent of Black people in the south were educated at one of these institutions.

>During the Civil Rights Movement, Jewish activists represented a disproportionate number of people involved in the struggle. Jews made up half of the people who participated in the Mississippi Freedom Summer in 1964. Leaders of the Reform Movement were arrested with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Most famously, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched arm-in-arm with Dr. King in his 1965 March on Selma.

>The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were drafted in the conference room of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, under the aegis of the Leadership Conference, which for decades was located in the RAC's building.

>The Jewish community has continued its support of civil rights laws addressing persistent discrimination in voting, housing, and employment against not only women and people of Color but also in the LGBTQ+ community.

Attached: shut it down.jpg (519x488, 75.62K)

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Attached: jew slave ships.jpg (576x768, 60.05K)

Attached: soros (((NGO))).webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

The slave trade, cotton plantations and sugar plantations etc. and their industries were utterly run by jews. See this thread for the full sourced facts: