Majority of Americans want you to pay up, student debtors

Reminder plenty of boomers are still alive and voting and you will pay IN FULL.

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Nothing an unvaxxed coughing fit can't fix

I'll be "volunteering" at the old folks home if he pulls this move

pay denbts

I mean they're back on the hook in 9 days, I think its over neetbros

Oh no, a bunch of vaccinated people won’t catch the flu because they’re immune already.
>your move chud

A lot of Millennials who paid off their loans are alive too and they don't want to have to pay off someone else's loans after paying off their own.

>vaccine provides immunity

>debtmaxing bros, we did it

fuck you. YOU SIGNED FOR those extravagant loans like a stupid shit, YOU get to pay for them.

>80bil for ukraine
>yay you're the best!
>100bil for israel
>simply amazing, but we can do more!
>50k for an american

It's all make belief fiat money that never existed in the first place anyway. Wipe it clean or keep it. It makes no difference.

Good luck squeezing a nickel out of the boomers, as they collect two pensions, charge rent on their vacation houses and work full-time.

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>borrow money
why are you like this

Meanwhile, Biden is now forcing you to pay for people to insulate their houses, upgrade their windows, get solar and other green bullshit

ukraine and israel = jews
americans = not jews

fuck off. i'd rather my taxes help some college kid than whatever bullshit they use it for now.

So what you're telling me is: You want to saddle -THREE- generations of people with crippling debt during an economic recession? Enjoy all the mass shootings and terrorism.

they love money being thrown at their houses, feel extremely entitled to it
fuck i despise normies

Because you're a poor nigger that wants other peoples money

Looks like an excuse for Biden to not keep yet another campaign promise.

Meaningless survey without past data to compare it to.

They hallucinated a part of the contract that said
>And in addition to this student loan money we will also give you a guarantee you will get a high paying job.

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What's it matter to you, retard? You'll vote blue no matter who

>a majority of bankers need their free money back plus interest.

Should we really be allowing these banks to give out these absurd amount of loans to 17/18 year olds . I saw some guy. he went to acting school. He owes 120K or some bullshit like that. yes, he is a dumb fuck for doing that. but why is a bank giving him that much money and then expecting to be paid back? shit is dumb on both sides desu.

> vaccinated people won’t catch the flu because they’re immune already.

The CDC already debunked this.

I think you’re forgetting affirmative action

>but why is a bank giving him that much money and then expecting to be paid back?
The same reason they gave people tons of loans back before the '08 housing crash: They profit off of debt and it's federally insured so they can't lose. The game is rigged.

make the women repay their student debt by fucking incels.

2 birds one stone

>So what you're telling me is: You want to saddle -THREE- generations of people with crippling debt during an economic recession?
I can't tell if you're pro-forgiveness and view holding people accountable to what they agreed to as "saddling them with debt" or if you're opposed to forgiveness and are talking about the way it would get paid by taxpayers.

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Fucking parasites signed for a loan, got the degree, landed a $65K job right out of college, and now want blue collar working class making $20/hr to pay for their bullshit so they can afford more ishit and porn. Entitled, greedy, cunts.

the system is a scam all the way down. they tell these kids from the time they're in elementary school that the only way to succeed in life is to pay for a degree and "follow your passion" because it doesnt matter what degree you get as long as you get a degree, in high school they have college recruiters everywhere, the media shills it as a necessary right of passage to be a man, theres a whole machine pushing dumb kids to sign for those loans without thinking about it because if they dont the alternative is they'll be bums working at mcdonalds

Kek thats the best explanation so far

They should tie mandatory hanging of all bankers in to loan forgiveness. The Jubilee will extend to all, that way.

Each one of these threads is a slide and an exercise in spot the kike.

>push college hard onto kids for a generation
>raise costs astronomically afterwards

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>holding people accountable to what they agreed to as "saddling them with debt"
I don't respect anyone that compares student debt to normal debt. Bankruptcy absolves normal debt. Student debt never goes away under any circumstance.

Dude I will vote for student debt forgiveness if I can have my mortgage nullified as well

How about a complete debt forgiveness movement

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These deadbeats and their heirs should be hunted until every last penny is repaid.

I'm also paying far more out the ass for niggers and wetbacks, what's the point here

Id rather my tax dollars be going towards helping young people be able to start families and settle down than have it be wasted in ukraine or used to help bump up some politicians stock portfolio. Paying off student loan debt is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other shit they waste money on

it's not fair. gov should also pay my parents for paying my tuitions and stuff.

You didn't use enough buzzwords, you think he'll be able to understand you?

>politicians give a fuck what people want
How new are you?

kek, looking forward to whatever Biden says before the loan grace period ends, either loanees start kvetching or he makes an inflation oopsie and gets us moving further in the wrong direction.

>be old enough to fight and die for your country
>be old enough to vote for leader of the free world
>be considered an adult in every way
>not able to read a basic contract or use a loan calculator

Be quiet boomer bot
All going according to plan

You mean, something like a Great Reset?

seriously dude. i went from shit jobs to union trades, worked my way on up with nothing. why should i pay for some søyguzzling shitbird's bills because he turned out to be a massive, disappointing, midwit failure

With bankruptcy they take something back from you in most cases, like the house.
Are you going to give back your diploma and agree to never claim you went to college when applying to jobs, and have a formal notice go to your current employer that your real education level is high school?

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Lol. You think any of that money will go toward anyone's house that isn't already on the govs payroll? How dumb are you?

*Distant kvetching*

Friendly reminder to mail your debtors for proof of your student loans. If your dumbass was paying, you're fucked. But if you haven't paid in years, there's a non-zero chance they lost the paperwork.
They lost the records of my student loans now I've got white credit again.

I guarantee almost everyone with these student loans debts would take that deal. Kids who are 100K in debt for studying history would be fine giving up the degree to declare bankruptcy.

No. The government backing these loans is the only reason they exist. No rational lender would ever give so much money to a retard without collateral, a co-signer, or even a job otherwise. Requiring parents to co-sign, at a minimum, would drastically improve the situation.
>tldr: it’s racist not to give dumb niggers loans for diploma mill schools so now we have another debt bubble

Know something with the less gay name like debt forgiveness

It's pretty stupid to hold the borrower solely accountable. These banks made loans with jobless 18yr olds who had no property, collateral, or credit history. That is an idiotic loan to hand out in the first place. They did so because they knew the government would back it.

If you give a bad loan then you should suffer for it. If someone backs you to make a bad loan then they should suffer for it.

As it stands now it was a scheme to enslave the youth into debt slavery while giving banks all the benefits with no risks. Losses are subsidized by the government. You're too stupid to see that.

Forgive the loans. Try and imprison the bankers for crimes against the people and undermining our government (not just for student loans but for many things). Confiscate their wealth. Watch how quickly our problems go away

k for an american
Is that what it says? It's just 50k for one American? That ain't so bad, but it also is ridiculously disingenuous and not what was said.

I would start paying taxes if it paid for tax lawyers undermining any possible student loan debt relief.