Why do conservatives worship the past? The past's only achievement is to generate the present they detest so much

Why do conservatives worship the past? The past's only achievement is to generate the present they detest so much.

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babby's first week into political science?

that looks like harry potter rule 34

Call it whatever you want, the name is meaningless - the political faction that seeks to institute traditional ways of life, traditional values, traditional culture. But those traditions only ended up creating the conditions of the current age. How can you dislike the present but love the past, when the present is a direct product of that same past?

Fuck conservatives. What to they conserve? Nothing. All they ever do is lose ground to a side with an actual worldview, however sick and wrong it may be.
The right needs it's own active ideal to strive for. Naturally that is fascism or some derivative such as National Socialism, but they allow themselves to be bullied into never taking such a stance.

not a single "traditionalist" would agree with you that "KEEPING the traditions they value" led to the "present they dislike". On the contrary.

How fucking low is your IQ?
Seriously. Go through the thought pattern above again. Slooooowly.

You're probably just underage

A libshit genocide sounds really good right now desu

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>the political faction that seeks to institute traditional ways of life, traditional values, traditional culture.
National Socialism is by its very definition revolutionary

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don't take the bait, OP is retarded


What could have been. I weep

>not a single "traditionalist" would agree with you that "KEEPING the traditions they value" led to the "present they dislike".
But that's literally what happened. Each culture is generated by the conditions of the culture that preceded it temporally. At some point, the values that traditionalists venerate produced cultural shifts and caused the conditions for their own demise. They were not strong enough to withstand the reactions they produced. Why would reinstating those values do anything but end up creating those same conditions?

I'm gonna give you an example because you really seem to not be bright enough for these kinds of discussions:

Traditionalist "conservative" Peter holds the belief that a child needs two parents of the different sexes to raise a child appropriately. Now that was the belief of his parents and his grandparents, etc. pp.
DOES Peter's belief actually lead to a world where you have a divorce rate of xyz and a single mom rate of pqr???

You are much dumber than you believe yourself to be.

it isn't but this is

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you're confusing "people holding beliefs" (e.g. "someone being a conservative") with political change (of e.g. "standard positions")

Now fuck off, retard
And on your way out, go read some Spengler. Your way of using words like "culture" is rather disgusting and reeks of nothing but illiterate midwittery

oh no the shills have arrived

>the shills
why do you project yourself onto others?

>conservatives are stuck in the past
>meanwhile commies have dragged us back into 1930
>and their worldview revolves around shit people did in 1720
>talk shit about what Marx called "the capitalist mode of production" in 1850 despite the fact not everyone is either a farmer or factory worker anymore and the shot has been tried

Conservatives arn't the only ones.

So why do you call yourself progressive when you regress from the past?

But each generation has had different beliefs about parentage. Parentage has changed tremendously over the past century. And each instance has generated the cultural reaction to change the next generation. (child labor becoming bad, spanking kids becoming bad, etc)

Why did Nazism fail? Because it created conditions in which it could not sustain itself. It generated its own demise.

I'm not interested in semantics. People who are traditionalist in a political sense which to reinstate societal norms that occurred in the past. But those societal norms only led to one single outcome: the extinction of those same social norms.

This is literally Ops image

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It failed because of the Anglo-Jew alliance.

It’s only conditions it created were to put an end to the three evils of society: Marxism, potential global banking and capitalism. It’s like calling yourself a progressive when you support a pure Marxist system, when that systematically fails.

I still see no reason to worship the current present after reading your post, you literal fucking faggot. your current continuous raid effort is boring. I prefered the last guys, were they all bots?

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Nazism did not stop any of the three things you mention. It failed completely. Why do neo-Nazis still exist? What purpose is there to praise Nazism, when it achieved absolutely nothing?

If you don't want to worship the present, then why would it be any better to worship the past? The present was produced, constructed, generated and brought to existence by the past.

It’s praising the fact that it tried to defeat a global menace of two sides, and getting right back up and struggling against that menace once again until it’s completely annihilated. Even if we’re silenced en masse, that’s the struggle.

We want a more sustainable living space for our people and the people of their people to support Europeanization before it falls to the red scum/cultural marxists.

>it tried to defeat a global menace of two sides
And in that attempt it created a world where the "global menace" was stronger than ever and became the most dominant ideologies and cultures of the 20th century.