Hustler's University 2.0

HOLY SHIT Andrew Tate Hustler's University $500 discord got LEAKED for FREE!! (replace 1 in discord to avoid spam)

Get in before they close it down and GO earn serious money, learn how to HACK, trade, ecommerce, crypto etc and etc!! GO NOW WE WILL BE CLOSING THE DISCORD PRIVATE SOON!!

Attached: 1661135630343080.png (967x643, 212.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Link is a virus

Cool post pics, discord is for trannys and chuds who play HOI4. So I don’t use discord

it's a discord invite link, you've never seen one boomer?

I've looked at all of them, I had no problems with viruses or whatsoever. It's all legit.
I mean there's free coding courses.

Attached: hustler.png (294x702, 32.47K)

Not testing it cuz phone fagging
Someone run a script to download all the text and images


Is a link shortener at the end is an exe that has your public IP address, already reported it to the cyber police last week when you made this thread.

>can't read because Brazilian monkey

i literally copy pasted the invite link from discord, where's the .exe file?

Yet somehow he is smarter than you script kiddy.

We get it you are Indian

show flag faggot

Wait a second, my PC is producing mustard gas now, this is to be expected but sad.

How have mods not permabanned you yet?

I’m not a pedophile

Attached: FF863CC0-D82A-4DFE-BD7B-93DDEDDF323D.jpg (586x955, 69.64K)

Andrew Tate is a stupid grifter faggot. Fuck him.

because it's legit

shut up you fucking retarded indian you can't hack for shit they literally teach you how to do this at highschool here because we don't live in a fucking backwards shithole like you

>discord tranny

Hustler U? Thought we would get a Phd. for looking at naked broads.

Reported to cyber police

australians are just tropical americans

reverse engineering your shitty virus right now.

Who leaked it? Let’s find the snitch and teach him a lesson

I wasn't the original op when this was posted yesterday. Like you I was skeptical but you're too retarded to understand that a discord invite link isn't a virus.

Jaurisova 515/4
City:Praha 4
Postal Code:14000
that your address OP?

Fuck are you serious?

lol its a discord tranny invite link

>praha 4
are indians living in star wars wtf lol.


man sure would suck if someone found out there was a band of nazis and antifa there...
maybe should throw some ukranians and russians in too for the lols
your house is a hideout for criminals op!
but I guess we already knew that...

.......i'm waiting hackerman.......

totally legit guiz!!1

Attached: 1.png (1433x699, 204.13K)

>deposit whatever
>make thread, plausible excuse
>niggerbrained boomers on phone click it, and expect to correct it when 404

>op is a very very dodgy guy

it's a ip grabber link which, if used correctly, can be used to target your pc/network directly to do all kinds of things.. plant cp, delete your windows folder, anything like that is possible. especially if you are on a popular internet ISP

tldr: you're fucked bro

There's incentive to inviting.
I'm just trying to see if this part is legit as well.

Attached: hustler.png (872x636, 108.94K)

wrong, it's a virus.

so he's basically advertising how to do refunds through amazon? great

so one out of 50 companies claim it's a virus, gotcha

I checked for you

Attached: virus.png (1897x935, 63.7K)

>paying $500 yo invite people to join for free
So legit bro

It's a fucking prazak, lmao. Maybe he should take a camping trip to Morava, tempt old Jozin.

Attached: top-kek.png (500x699, 279.67K)

fucking noob tard just shut your mutt mouth

I got invited from the last thread yesterday, i didn't pay for anything

>op posts link
>op confirms link secure

ok my emu friend